I chanced on this little girl who kept lamenting about how people don't understand her and what she does. Yes, she said they accuse her falsely without bothering to really know the whole story...hmm, we are all in those shoes. When no one really understands and insinuates anther, I know how it feels, its painful. She even said they don't study her and after that, they say this or that about her.

Stop falsely accusing Jesus of creating mountains in your life when it's your own ignorance that did. Have you ever seen someone who knows you very well and trusts you and loves you believe that you did something bad? and we believe he is responsible for bad things when all he can supply are good things. Don't mistaken gratitude for love. It's the only reason you can insult Jesus for something he never does.

The scripture is James 1:17...Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
Have a good day.

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