Outside alarms: wake up with coffee aroma

The coffee , mmmmmm, what would we do without him? This drink is as mysterious in its origins as widespread is its consumption all over the globe. The truth is that no one knows for sure where it comes from, although the most widespread theory is that its origin is in Ethiopia, specifically in the Kingdom of Kaffa , where its name probably also comes from. It is said that there, a goat herder named Kaldi, discovered the energizing propertiesof some fruits that his animals ate and, animated by his discovery, he brought a few to a monk so that he could also observe his properties. However, the monk, angered, threw them into the fire. After a few seconds a very pleasant aroma began to emerge that quickly removed the grains and mixed them with water, thus preparing the first coffee in history.

The best thing to wake up: the aroma of a fresh coffee
And we perfectly understand such a discovery because, whether you like it or not, who can say that its smell is not delicious? Well that is the idea that Joshue Renouf must have started to invent his coffee alarm clock . Yes, yes, as you hear, alarm clock and coffee maker at the same time, what better way to wake up than by changing the horrible ringing of your alarm clock by the aroma of a fresh coffee?

The machine has been named The Barisieur and, although it is not very cheap (especially considering that it is an alarm clock!), We believe it will be the perfect gift for coffee lovers; we can acquire it for between 190 and 315 euros.

This original alarm unites, although it seems contradictory, the slow movement with coffee. He proposes that we create a true ritual of peace and tranquility in which we lie down preparing everything necessary for our aromatic awakening; We will have to pour water and coffee - also milk, if we take it that way - in the corresponding warehouse, program it like any conventional alarm clock and relax.

A few minutes before the scheduled time to start our journey, a complex mechanism composed of a series of stainless steel balls will be put into action, boiling the water by induction . Thus, once the water boils, the alluvium of coffee aromatic will begin, who will gradually wake us up naturally enough to prepare us for the next day. In conclusion and, as the designer of this original coffee maker tells us, slow inventions for fast lives.
And what do you think? Do you think that the aroma of coffee would get you out of bed after partying? Would not you like to be able to get up so naturally every day? Or do you prefer to start the day to the fullest by having your morning coffee in the company of a python ? Tell us!

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