How does a breathalyzer work?

The breathalyzer That dear friend who is always capable of destroying the budget of the entire month. That fantastic colleague who waits for us in each round, every little visible cross, every hidden street and in every direction through which we circulate. One more cup and he has hunted you!

Who has not heard mythical phrases like: "Lower the window, please" ; "Have you drunk?" ; or my favorite: "you exceed the allowed alcohol rate. I'm going to have to ask him to get out of the vehicle . " Fantastic expressions where they are, right?

Yet we must recognize that this invention helps save lives by intimidating the irresponsible people who drink and drive and that is why we want to explain in this article how it works.

Do not play it: If you drink do not drive
It is possible that at some point you have tried to discover the operation of this device (especially after a long night). Perhaps you have even tried one of the tricks that circulate on the internet about how to avoid a breathalyzer . Such as: sucking the cell phone battery, chewing grass, chewing gum, or licking copper coins. Or you have simply opted to drive and play the fine obviating Murphy's Law .
The sad reality is that the only way to succeed is to sit down and wait for the blood alcohol to decrease. That, or take public transport and leave your car abandoned. Because you already know: If you drink, you should not drive. Not only because of the hangover you will have the next day , but also because you will be endangering your life and that of other innocent people .

How many problems are you able to give us alcohol and yet we always forgive you. You may think you know him. But it is convenient to know how the body treats and processes it.

How does alcohol behave in our body?
Alcohol (like all drugs) undergoes a process called metabolization once the body has absorbed and distributed it through the bloodstream. Metabolization is a process of transformation prior to elimination by which the body neutralizes a substance that is in principle toxic. Thanks to this process, the body can excrete all kinds of harmful substances.

Most of the metabolization of alcohol takes place in the liver. In this organ a series of enzymes act on the alcohol molecules decomposing them and facilitating - as we have already mentioned - their subsequent elimination.

What happen? There is a percentage around 1% of alcohol that is not metabolized and is eliminated without any transformation by urine, sweat and through the lungs (exact), through the air we exhale.

While alcohol circulates freely in the bloodstream to the liver to be metabolized, this small percentage that we mentioned, our body is able to "get rid of it" without any neutralization process.

How does a breathalyzer work?
This is when our dear friend enters the breathalyzer. The breathalyzer measures that small percentage of alcohol that you are expelling by means of breathing . Subsequently, as a function of thousandths of a second, he makes a rule of three by which he determines the total amount of alcohol in blood. Simple, no?

If you found this article interesting, share it with your friends. And now tell us what are the most stupid methods you have heard to avoid a blood alcohol level .

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