#FeatureFriday challenge - "Wide Awake" - Open verse for anyone to rap on! Be featured on an exclusive Steemit mixtape!

What is #FeatureFriday? It is a weekly Hiphop song that has an open verse for anyone who wants to write something and record on it. Every week I will be posting a new song with an open verse for anyone to participate if they want. This doesn't just have to be rappers, it could also be singers or whoever feels like they could do something with the open verse. Once there are enough songs made, I will be releasing a "Steemotions" mixtape (working title).

So yea, that's basically it. Drop a verse to a song every week and get featured on the mixtape. If not interested in participating, come through and listen to the verse(s) that I have put up or other people drop.

If you are interested

You don't need to make another post about it if you don't want to, BUT, you do need to post your verse here or in any of the other #FeatureFriday posts. Do not mess with the instrumental in any way and just spit in the open verse provided. Also, when you post it, make sure you post it an embedded format i.e. youtube or soundcloud. Thanks!

About this song

This is pretty straight forward... Wide awake, can't sleep for whatever reason. I actually was up at like 4:30 AM when I wrote this song. Was the same night I wrote "Somethings Gotta Give". Basically just a lot of shit that I wanted to get off my chest, so was a pretty productive night. Isn't that crazy how it works, whenever you're at your lowest, that's when you are the most creative. I think I know why the best creative minds throughout history seemed to keep themselves in a state of misery... You can make great art like that, lol.

Hope you enjoy!


Damn, I should have been asleep a long time ago
It’s one of those nights, where the moon it makes the branches grow
And you’re looking for light, not the kind that makes a candle glow
There’s a sickening cold and you can not find the antidote
Can not sleep, up shits creek knee deep inside of a damaged boat
You had boulders on your shoulders, but now there’s a planet though
could’ve handled the granite stone, it wasn’t the plan to stand alone
Easter bunny and santa’s gone, grab the remote, put a channel on
But it doesn’t help, the ghosts are speaking through the images
I could try to read a book, but my life right now’s too fictionless
As the sun is petitionin the night to leave, tradition lives
And my prediction is, I will see when that transition is

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