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#Featheredfriends it is! Waterbirds edition

And now we have a community for all the bird lovers out there! Apart from keeping the former tag #featheredfriday alive, @melinda010100 now created this new community, and you can check the announcement on her post here! Thank you so much Melinda; and have to agree, the new tag makes more sense!

Although busier these last days, couldn't let the first week go without a post of my own; and for the first post with the now official #featheredfriends tag, waterbirds it is! All these photos were taken in Costa Rica, in Tortuguero National Park.

Bare-throated Tiger Heron - Tigrisoma mexicanum

And this is one of the coolest herons I've ever seen. It's easy to see why the tiger in the name, the plummage pattern is just beautiful!

This one was a bith shy, caught her just peaking through the foliage, and judging by her pose here, she was probably building her nest.

If you ever go to Tortuguero, don't miss the canoe ride, with the park guides. It's just amazing how sharp their eyes are, finding out animals that are hard to see even with the binoculars! This next one was easy to see, thow.

Couldn't find out which species is it, but didn't seemed to mind at all while the canoe was passing him by. And a little bit later, another one that wasn't disturbed as well!

American Darter - Anhinga anhinga, male

There are only four darter species in the world, so they're easy to recognize! There are also differences between the sexes, males being black with a little silver and white on the back and wings, while females have pale head, brest and neck, especially in the underparts.

And as cormorants, they can be found posing like this very frequently: after the hunting sessions, where they dive and spearfish with their pointy beaks, they adopt this position to dry their feathers!

If you haven't yet... join the #featheredfriends community and let's see those bird photos!

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