Cuban birds - a few more #featheredfriends and a perv bird

For the ones not following @melinda010100 yet (you should!), she gave the idea of changing the #featheredyfriday, that she's been keeping alive, for the #featheredfriends one, in order not to create confusion about a specific day to use the tag. It seems a very reasonable change, so if you contribute for the #featheredfriday tag, or plan to, do give some feedback about the change! I'll be using both of them on this post anyway.

And since last week I've posted about a few of the birds Iยดve found in Cuba, I'll continue the trend here. And yes, there will be some birds near the beach, as this egret...


But I've tried to separate the shore birds on the last post, from the... well, let's call them "inland" birds on this post. Cuba does have a few rarities, and some very cool birds you can find in the gardens all around. As woodpeckers, for example!


And when we arrived at the beach resort, one of the first species I saw, with a nest very near the hotel lobby...


Hummingbirds are so cool! And as a curiosity... did you knew that Cuba is home to the smallest bird species alive? The bee hummingbird is endemic to the island, and it only reaches around 6cm!! I didn't got to see it... but this one was cool enough. Since we don't have hummingbirds in Portugal, any time I can put my eyes on one is a reason to celebrate.


Other than birds, a curiosity when looking at old photos, like these ones: how I was an even crappier photographer!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚


These photos are around 10 years, and although I don't consider these ones bad, I notice a great difference between my photographic skills then and now... and without a doubt posting on the blockchain and reading all the advices from the pro's here surely helped in improving my technique!

And to wrap it up, two more conclusions: Cuban doves have very cool colours...


... and... they check the tourists in bikini too!! Busted, Mr. dove! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‚



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