See jay for good luck

I photographed in a woodpecker's park. Suddenly, on a tree trunk, where he worked, a squirrel jumped, the woodpecker flew off in fright. Oh, these naughty squirrels are nimble - jumping and jumping from one tree to another, I thought with regret, because woodpeckers are not often seen by me. Immediately a large bird flew over my head and sat down on a branch of a tree opposite me. So this is jay beauty. One handsome scared, the other decided to please me with his appearance, so good luck, also signs say about it. So I was lucky.

It is believed that the name of the bird is associated with the verb "shine" for its bright color. Perhaps jays are very beautiful birds. Jays are quite noisy birds. I used to meet two or three together. They echo so loudly, it is difficult to put words into words, their sounds are not at all like whistling, too, rather short voiced shouts.

They are also large in size, almost like jackdaws, only the body is more elongated. Still, the handsome jays often met like jackdaws and let them get closer to themselves. They are so careful, they observe, you begin to approach, although carefully, they fly away immediately.

It is believed that seeing a jay to luck, although I don’t believe in omens, is still nice, and you get aesthetic pleasure from seeing such beautiful birds. Mother Nature has tried for this bird - just as many colors that attract the eye.

See, admire the jay-bird of happiness and let luck always accompany you in all your endeavors.

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