Fear is Seeking You - Learn to Seek it

Life lessons teach us about who we are and how we are connected to others in so many different ways.

You are the determining factor in your life. Whether you bow to fear or you use fear as a tool to ascend to your highest version, it is ultimately up to you.

Fear teaches us who we are.

We all have different fears and different challenges that arise from those fears. Some fears are ingrained as far back as we can remember and some are learned throughout our life experiences.

Everyone, on some level, has fear that holds him/her back. As you dig deeper into your subconscious programming, you begin to peel away layers of these fear-based constructs you have created for yourself.

Behind every fear is a person that you want to be, until you stop running and peel off this mask, (that is often confused for your identity) you will remain trapped within yourself and never be able to ascend to your greatest version.

Fear becomes a little easier to deal with if you take a different perspective of it. Throw a little bit imagination here and a little bit of playfulness there and Vuala, fear becomes a bit more fun to work with. Rather than something that is hindering you in your life, it is something that continuously grants you feelings of accomplishment once you hurdle over it.

I like to look at fear as a giant video game.

In video games you have levels that you have to beat in order to move on to the next level. As you overcome one fear, another fear, or even several fears, arise. You work through these, learn more about yourself in the process and continue to #RemoveYourMasks

But I caution you, these masks can remove programming that can be difficult to process. When we experience certain things in our life, we create masks for ourselves as a sense of protection. What they are really doing is keeping our mental, spiritual and emotional energy at bay by masking it with an identity that doesn’t necessarily identify with the experiences you have had.

This allows you to not get caught up in these aspects of true self and allows you to continue going through life and experiencing it. Emotions, feelings and thoughts may begin flooding your mind, bringing up things that these masks had been suppressing. Although they may appear very scary and may be very difficult to handle, if you are able to courageously face these obstacles, the reward will be invaluable to your life experience.

What you must do is allow these things to flow in and objectively observe what they are showing you. The challenge is to objectify the situation in the present moment when it is happening. What I mean by that is not becoming your emotions, but rather honoring them and acting on the message they are delivering to you. It is essential that you do not let your thoughts and emotions control you, you must be in control of them and use them to guide you down your golden path.

Step outside of the victim role and become the observer of your emotions and thoughts. This can help you understand yourself better and make it easier to navigate through life based on these understandings.

Like many things in this life, fear is a guide. Just like we have spirit helpers, guardian angels, arch angels and many other spirits assisting us, fear plays a vital role in the development of our own personal transformation in the physical world.

When you transform any aspect of yourself, you transform yourself on all levels of your consciousness.

For this reason we must change our relationship with fear. It is often looked at as something we must fight and win a battle over. The only battle we truly have is in transmuting the fear that we feel into love. While our planet is at an energetic battle of fear versus love, we do not have to participate. Instead, what we must do is foster the acceptance of all that is, embrace the things that we are afraid of and simply allow them to show us who we are.

The only “fight” that we have is to take the fear that is presented within yourself and honor it so you can delve into it with courage and ferociousness with the intention of love and unity.

Our goal is to unify, not separate because separation does not foster healing. Break free from the chains of fear by honoring it as the teacher it is, listening to it’s message(s), incorporating these into your life, and then walking the walk to show others the way to do the same in their own lives. The only way we can change the world is by first changing ourselves.

Once you learn to seek fear, you will find the answers that your soul came to Earth to learn. Once you begin seeking fear and working through it’s challenges, you will arise with a new sense of clarity and vision. Thus, granting you access to realms of possibilities that will transform your life forever.

Love and unity my friends <3

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