Overcome your fears- start living

Overcoming fear - the four best strategies
some simple measures can help to overcome fears and phobias.

In order to better understand their own fears, take a look back into the human development history: fear is a biologically meaningful response to a danger or threat, it mobilizes energy for fight or flight and ensures that we avoid risky situations, the US. In the course of evolution, especially fears of certain animals such as poisonous snakes as a survival advantage, so that the human being today tends to be more likely to fear before these animals than about razors.

If fears but to situations or objects, of which (here) no danger - such as spiders, bus (Agoraphobia) or strange people (social phobia) - and if you restrict the quality of life of the everyday life or excessively, they are considered as anxiety disorder. Around 15 percent of the population suffer once in your life to such a disease. It usually consists of a physical reaction, for example, heart palpitations, trembling and sweating (panic attack), an expectation or mental evaluation of the situation ("i could have a heart attack", "I will embarrass me"), as well as the tendency to avoid certain objects or situations, if that is possible.

The fault is replaced by themselves: the anxiety decreases, as soon as the affected leaves the situation again - and that's why he chooses this path again and again. The expectation of further anxiety attacks in the sense of a self-fulfilling prophecy, also increases the likelihood of this occurring again.
This helps against fear and panic

sometimes, self-help tips in order to unlearn an exaggerated fear again. In more serious cases, we must do so on the basis of a psychotherapy. She puts on the described components of fear, and according to the following four basic principles.
Strategy 1: Stay in motion

regular sporting activities and relaxation exercises can reduce fear responses in the long term. For some faults will also help in the acute case, partly because physical relaxation and exhaustion physiologically badly with a fear response. During a panic attack can reverse the effect however!

It comes to a panic-induced hyperventilation due to shortness of breath (strong), we recommend physicians, in a bag to breathe, so that the ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the blood returns to normal.

The way out of the Fear leads directly through them! Who on the basis of exaggerated fears, the fear of a situation or an object avoids the fastest item, when he is confronted with it instead. The affected person learns in this way that the situation or the object is harmless. It costs a lot to overcome fears, but not only, but also strengthens the self-confidence in the rule attacked. For this you should decide for one of two strategies. Either "manages" the fear about by distraction. This is the simpler way, but as less effective. Or you concentrates fully on his feelings and allows them to brainstorm, without escape. You can visit the dreaded situations with increasing difficulty - therapists speak of systematic desensitization. The confrontation but often works best when it is equal to the worst possible scenario. Sometimes it takes no more then a single pass. But most of the exercises over a longer period of time must be repeated in order to maintain success.

Strategy 3: fears and worries

and fears behind questions katastrophisierende thoughts put the body in alarm condition. Patients should explore these so-called cognitions in as much detail as possible: what exactly do you fear? How realistic is it that their fears are true? What could alternatively also happen - and how likely would it be? As far as possible, these considerations should be tested in reality or in conversation with others. The constant balancing of chances helps to get a grip on inappropriate and exaggerated fears. The goal: the idea of "i" in cases in powerlessness to turn a calming self-instruction! "At the last panic attack I had the same symptoms and am not fallen - so also this time nothing will happen. I run now quiet, then disappear the feelings of all alone again."
Strategy 4: Practice in serenity

the fears that the person concerned will be fired in addition to his fear about a specific situation even fear of fear: "When I go shopping, perhaps the next panic attack. I will never get rid of it? I do not think this is more length." These expectations and thoughts get the fault. The constant fear of the next time increases the chance for another panic attack, among other things because the affected are tense and more on any symptoms. Acceptance-oriented procedures teach, not fight against the fear, but all the symptoms value free to watch. Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help to practice this inner serenity.

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