Fear and Anxiety.....updates


Fear is an unplesant feeling of perceived risk or danger,whether it be real or imagined.

Scientifically it is a negative emotional state triggerd by the presence of a stumulus that has the potential to cause harm,and anxeiety as a negative emotional state in which the threat is not present but anticipated.

It can also be described as a feeling of extreme dislike towards certain conditions,objects,or situation such as, fear of darkness,fear of ghosts,etc.IMG_20180424_185449.jpg

Fear can ruin a man.it can creat a strong connection between a man's mind and brain.
Take for a example,A dog and a click or bell,when the bell rings it triggers a memory that makes the dog to salivate,because it has been used while giving (the dog) it best meal.Therefore creating a connection that can be represented mathematically as
Bell+Sound=food.Same thing happens to human in dengerious situations,past fears triggers a memory to make a simple story very complicated,therefore bringing anxeiety to take over the mind.
Check for updates on how to overcome fear....your contrubution is welcomed thanks.

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