King of the Judeans | Favorite* public figure | This and That Challenge Day 7 [blog]

It’s time to make the past-due, final, and most difficult favorite this and that selection of all time.

I thought that this one was really tough upon first seeing it described in the challenge. Also that I didn’t have anyone in mind who fit the bill of the original “description” by t-κ. Let’s remind ourselves of what that description was:

”Public Figure: (ie: celebrity, actor, singer, politician, historical figure, someone that has influenced you deeply and you admire. Just don't say your mom. It has to be someone "famous" or of global interest.)”


I probably took this a bit too literally and then I got hung up on “someone that influenced you deeply”. I feel like there’s no single public figure that fits the bill for me. And maybe the choice I made is a sort of cop-out — the easy or generic answer.

It’s like picking chocolate or vanilla as your favorite ice cream flavor when you have the opportunity to also pick a Ben and Jerry’s flavor as an alternative.

Gelato in Italy — not Ben and Jerry’s. source: @hrissm

Jesus is my homeboy

I haven’t properly studied Christianity or Jesus specifically, to really talk about either in depth. And I’m not very religious to say the least, but I was raised Greek Orthodox. And despite my actual beliefs, I would still consider myself one. If anything, it’s almost more of a cultural thing than a religious thing in my opinion. So as far as influence goes, negative, positive or what not, I’d say that Jesus was a very influential “public figure” for me.

Again despite anyone’s actual personal beliefs, from the teachings found in the Bible, which are attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Judeans, a lot can be learned from this historical public figure.

Painting on the wall inside a Greek Orthodox Church, depicting the crucifixion of Jesus - that’s some f*cked up shyte. source: @hrissm


I’m going to skip the actual things that Jesus was about. And just say that for me the influence is multifaceted. From, learning from and using some of those actual teachings, to, disagreeing with some others and developing my own beliefs from them.

It also made me want to understand the history and happenings around the time of Jesus and before/after. Because religion is practically unavoidable when you’re even the slightest bit Greek.

But, having said that, the Greek in me, also associates with and yearns to understand the Ancient Greek and modern Greek history as well. Which coincides with, or maybe better described as collides with, Christianity as well.


All this has lead me to deduce how you can learn from any scenario. Especially when you don’t agree with someone or have a different outlook on something as someone else.

This is the best opportunity to learn.

I’m going to give a shoutout to Socrates here too. Because I’ve also developed, whether innately, subconsciously or by coincidence, a self described and perhaps negative tendency of using the Socratic method. (Google it.)

Another shoutout goes to Zeus because I met him at around the same time as I met Jesus, and his and his kind’s influence is also paramount.

But I still met sweet baby Jesus first, so I picked him.

Silhouette selfie. source: @hrissm

I nominate @katayah

(And anyone else who would like to participate!)

Thanks @tkappa for the challenge!


  • Choose one of the Themes below (a different one for) each day and explain why it's your favorite*
  • Post a picture of the theme. It can include yourself if you like...
  • Nominate up to three people each day.
  • Tag it with #favouritethisandthat (*damn your British English) 0:-)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you accept the challenge.
  • Kept from the previous waybackmusic challenge: please follow @greek-trail for great content made by [our fellow] Greek Steemians

Themes You Can Choose From:

| Decade | Game | Movie Character | TV Series | Website | Public Figure | Monument |

the above text in “rules” has been modified by @hrissm

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