My Dad.


This is the first Father's day I have went with out my dad. In the past there was father days that I did forget and now I regret that. But I would like to tell you a bit about the man that raised me.

My dad.
(me and my dad at my wedding)

He was born in Italy when my grandpa was stationed there. The grew up in Alabama throu his younger years. After Highschool he joined the navy. That was somthing he did not share alot with me. He just said that "that was a different person" and that was the end of it. I do know he got out of the navy shortly after I was born and we moved alot for his job. Untill we moved to mountain view to help my grandpa becouse of his age. This was the years I remember him the best. Going camping for e months straight even tho he would have to get up really early and travel more just to go to work. Cub scout and boy scout where he was my leader for some of it or just always there to help me get my next badge or the year we got to State for pinewood durby car race. Then later on then I got into making I would call him and we would talk about my idea and way to improve or thing about it in another way. Untill I decided to move back home and we got to do a few projects together. Witch is now some my most prized possessions.
(a sigh we made for his work)
( foldable shooting bench)
(the flag display I surprise his last year)

My dad was the best dad, and I miss him every day. He is the reason I am the person I am today. He show me what it was to be a person, a coworker, a father, a husband, a man. And the world is in a darker place with out him. Be he changed the world for the best and I pray that all of us who knew him will just hold tight to his memory and learn from how dad lived his life.

Thank you and I Love you Dad,
Love your son

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