Happy Father's Day to all Great Dads and Super Daddies!

Anyone can be a Father, but it only takes someone special to be a Dad.

I told my dad about that. That's true, the best dad ever!

Before this night ends, just want to share our night as we simply celebrate Father's Day.

Actually, my father didn't want me to spend today as he just wanted to stay at home and have dinner together. So what I did, I just bought a simple and delicious bundle meal from Greenwich and snacks from Jollibee and a chocolate roll cake.

So here's our groufie with our beloved father, Romeo.


And our dinner:


To all Father's out there, you are our superheros, you are our best shields. We are so lucky and blessed to have you in our life. You are God's gift to us, and we will always cherish every moment in our life having you as our father.

Have a great night, everyone.

With love,

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