Hope for a daughter (ECENCY 20201)

Its really nice to meet ECENCY, Its like a blank book we're i can write every moment that has been passing thru on my age. The story of the whole thing of me. from whiteside to dark side. I am 36 yrs old now and proud to share that i am a working student. A company driver taking up BSEMT in college, what makes me push to achieve this goal? its all about my daughter she was 10 yrs old, i want to give her a good life when she at the right age, before i leave and close my eyes, I want to give her enough finance/savings and shelter for she will not experience what i experienced to discriminates by other people. My daughter smile. Telling me to be brave, Fight in all the challenge that up coming, While mapping the floor we're i assigned, My daughter passing to my work place calling me this way " Hi daddy, i love you, take good care of yourself" while telling her classmates proudly saying that i am his daddy". I am lucky and thankful to have a daughter that untill now she never ashamed what job i haven't in the present from janitor to driver. (2015 - 2018).

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