18 second movie

Friday. The phone goes. At first hear good news. Everything worked properly. Everything still does. The coincidence wanted me to use some good news at that time. But at the end of the conversation I seemed to have played a role in a science fiction thriller. Only this thriller has come true and none of the main players have deliberately chosen what has happened.

It's my father who is on the other side of the line. According to him, it was 18 seconds. But they seemed to last forever. He waited for a sign of life that did not come. Not mine, a relative, a friend or a friend. He waited for a sign of life of himself. More precise: of its ICD, its implantable cardioverter defibrillator. He had a cardiac arrest.

For 18 seconds the engine of his life stopped. There was no future, just now and the past. He saw that past ones are moving past. His school, his work, his family, the windmill. How he met the woman of his life, married her and founded a family. His son graduated from the university after eight heavy years. For forty years to the same holiday destination, which became a second home. His wife, who died in bed after three years of sickness in 2015, seemed to say to him from this unknown world: "Do not go ahead!". Just then, the ICD signaled the signal "continue".

I am terrified of my father's relay, but especially relieved that he can postpone that 18 second movie. Try it out. Imagine your life for 18 seconds, passing by like a movie. What does your movie look like? Right. Make sure that movie is not a flat line, but a little interesting. Life with all its ups and downs. Cherish it. Use the lowlights of your past to reach highlights in the future. Because before you know, you are __________

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