What Windows Users Can Learn from Linux

I would love to see less barriers between OS's and platforms, but I just don't see a particular need to add that capability natively into Windows for Microsoft.
I do like what they're doing with WSL, though.
I'm a huge fan of the idea that the device and what you want to run on it should be far more important than the OS. We've largely abstracted architecture away from the end user, same with specific hardware brand. Blurring the lines between OS for end users is a great next step. Average windows user won't even know what ntfs or ext4 is, I didn't even know what filesystems were before using Linux
Linux is just way more transparent and the average linux user knows a bit more than the average windows user
running into issues and having to debug things sometimes forces the users to learn too, though it can be a headache
I remember when I first used Linux I immediately had issues with networking, was an absolute headache as a beginner but I learned that networking cards exist and it's not just an antenna connected to something natively on the motherboard or whatever. I do think there's a lot of cool and important stuff to learn, if you're interested in it.
I also think for the vast majority of people, just having something that works to run what you want it to run where you want it to run is really 99% of what's important. And for 99% of people, I don't think file system really matters, with some obvious limitations. FAT32 with a 4gb limitation became a problem, but NTFS was there a decade before it became a problem. As an example.

I can't use a Mac to save my life, but it's got the repuation as the easiest to use OS there is.
I've never had much experience with it, and I find it to be a total PITA.
Windows has enough of a userbase, and has had for long enough, that 'no prior experience needed' is pretty much the case simply because people don't remember when they were learning it.
Apple has a rabid enough fanbase to hit pretty much the same point.

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