Tips For No Thrill When Fasting


The month we've been waiting for has arrived. The month of Ramadan, where we must fast by restraining eating and drinking, approximately 12 hours. For those who move outdoors to hold a drink is a heavy, harder thing than having to resist eating, because it will be very easy to feel thirsty during the day especially if you're in hot weather.

Thirst when fasting can make the body weak, and will interfere with our activities. Then how to overcome in order not excessive thirst while fasting?

Our body made up of 70% fluid, and this fluid is essential to maintain normal body function. Therefore, we must keep the fluid in the body remains sufficient despite fasting.

Here are some things you can do to keep thirst while fasting even in the dry season.

Keep Drinking As Needed
Each person's fluid needs vary, depending on the person's physical activity and condition. Adults need about 8 glasses of water per day equivalent to 2 liters of water. You can get around by drinking 4 cups of water when breaking fast, 2 cups water before bed, and 2 cups again at dawn.

Keep the Diet
Thirst during the day also depends on what you eat at dawn. Avoid eating spicy foods and too much salt. This will greatly affect the regulation of body temperature. Instead, multiply eating fresh fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water.

Cold Water Shower
Flushing the body with cold water will suppress the sultry feeling. So it's better after the move, take a bath with cold water. Cold water will remove the feeling of weakness and make your body fresh again.

Stay in the Room
If the weather outside is very hot, avoid direct activity in the sun. Try to stay in the room as often as you can. The weather is hot to make the body spend a lot of sweat. Turn on the fan in your room or stay in the air-conditioned room.

Use Bright Colored Clothes
Avoid wearing dark clothes. Dark colors will absorb more heat than bright colors. If in your room use curtains, try to use bright color curtains.

There it is, some tips you can do to avoid thirst when fasting during the day. Most importantly, drink plenty of water. Good luck.

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