Fasting for self healing

Fasting the backbone of self healing? - Yes, because the body can and will heal itself, it simply has to be given the time and space to do so. Fasting FOR HEALING is the backbone of everything we do.
Fasting delays ageing. There is a suspicion of prevention and reversal as well.
The four times to fast?
1 On an airplane
2 Every so often – seasonal fasts, birthdays
3 During a period of cleansing for newness – when going in and out of a relationship, job, country, new house
4 When you’re becoming sick – not once you’re sick. It will boost your immunity and give resilience.
3 different kinds of fasting
1 Water Fasting
2 Juice Fast - specifically green juice fasting. 1 liter juice per day and 3 liters of water
3 Juice Feast – 5-6 liters of juice per day as well as your 3 liters of water

Fruit fasting is also considered a fast as it has such a detoxifying effect but it is not strictly fasting as the digestive system doesn’t shut down. It will still encourage healing though.

Difference between a juice fast and a juice feast?
Juice fast is where we drink only one liter of juice per day along with 3 or more liters of water
Juice feast is where we drink much more juice, some people even drink up to 5 liters, as well as 3 liters of water.

would we want to fruit fast?
This is a great mini cleanse that allows the digestive tract to be swept out. It is not really a fast as the digestive system remains switched on throughout however, it bulks up the bowel movements and encourages massive detox. When thinking about the 7 stages of disease, fruit fasting will absolutely help most people. Diabetics can also be helped by fruit fasts.

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