Favorites of 2017

 Hi Steemit!  

I’m happy to be back, I kind of fell off the wagon for a minute there. That is definitely a pattern I have with a lot of things in my life, I’m super committed in the beginning, but as time goes on I start doing it less and then completely stop, something I’m trying to work on. I want to start sticking to the schedules I create for myself, just gotta get off that freaking phone more!  

Speaking of things to work on, it’s now 2018 and my new goals are kind of set up. I know goals are best when you’re as specific as can be. I know I want to make more money from photoshoots this year as well as learn more about the technical side of photography. For my personal goals, I say this one all the time, but eat better!! Now that I’m a stones throw away from 30 I want to fix this diet of mine and eat better. I also have been dealing with back pain for a few years now and I finally went to a doctor who could tell me the specific problem so now my other goal is to make it finally go away!  

What are your goals for 2018? I’d love to hear them!  

2017 was an amazing year for photography! I learned so much and met so many really cool people here in LA. My business has definitely gone up, and I’m hoping the more and more I can keep hustling, networking, and messaging brands the more work I can get. I feel that money coming my way! It already has thankfully. So far 2018 I’ve made double of what I made last year this time, let’s just hope it keeps going!  

Here are a few of my favorite shots from 2017. Some of them I’ll write some longer posts on because they’re some of my favorite shoots to date!  

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