Palette of fashion: color, color, color!

Fashionable couturiers are the same artists, who are keenly aware of color. It is they who bring into the fashion delicate shades or bright accents.



The presence in the scarlet dress - whether it's lipstick, scarf - attracts attention, makes the person, who chose this color, interesting and dangerous. But do not wear a red dress in an interview. The employer will hardly like your unpredictability, rather, it will cause aggression and rejection.


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White clothes evoke trust, recall memories of yachts and sea breezes, luxury and wealth, especially in combination with blue. The white color of the doctor's coats evokes a sense of trust and special sterilization. It calms and relaxed. But surgeons wear blue or green working pajamas, because on white the blood looks especially flashy. Mingling with blue and green, red becomes less bright, does not cause unpleasant emotions.


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The colors of the sea and thousands of shades evoke a sense of calm and reliability. In clothes they remind of royal grandeur, uniform of captains of distant voyage and charming stewardesses. Uniforms of stewardesses are a special example of the effect of color on our perception. Talented designers work on their clothes, usually it is made in the palette of the airline logo. You just remember the color combination, if you like the flight attendant. And you will unknowingly prefer this company on the next trip by plane.


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Elegant gray - the beautiful color that the French lady prefer - an indisputable authority for the female part of the planet. This color can be cold or warm, you need to choose the color of your face. But the French must wear bright accessories to the gray, and the Paris crowd, according to those who were in the French capital, looks bright and festive.


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Elegant color of the Cannes festivals and funeral corteges. It is solemn and refined, it is wear by killers, Nobel laureates and undertakers. The female skin appears especially white in combination with black. A "little black dress" is the dream of any lady who strives to be elegant and mysterious.


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Green accents look great in the interiors. But in dresses, this color should be kept away from the face. If the skin is yellowish, the green will emphasize the yellowness, make it noticeable. Therefore, this color can be worn if you have a bright pink complexion, and your eyes are green.

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