Epatage in the fashion industry: drones, severed heads, naked men

The stunning success of Ilon Mask, who sent his car not to the car service of any, but directly to Mars, does not give rest to fashion designers. They are far from Mars, but they are quite capable of using something that reminds people of flights, space, high technologies.

The guests of the closed show of the new collection Dolce & Gabbana, which took place in February 2018 in Milan, were very surprised when they were asked to turn off Wi-Fi on smartphones. And not everyone did it. Therefore, the show of new brand bags was delayed for 45 minutes. But the expectation was not in vain. Under the beautiful music over the podium buzzed drones. Each unmanned vehicle carried its own handbag.
Gussi did not engage in new technologies. Showing the new clothes of the Italian brand was mundane and even too much. His models came to the podium with strange accessories in their hands - snakes, small dragons, chameleons and ... their own cut off head.

It has long been known that the real creator is something of a maniac. The lead designer of the brand Alessandro Michele compared his work with the surgeon's activity. And the creation of clothes - with an operating room. Guests liked the idea. Ideally made of wax and painted heads looked at them with a diffused look of stars.

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All these tricks to attract attention are fully justified. Rich in the crypto currency the public is hungry for new sensations. And the task of designers is to give them. Fudge with dragons remind of the Game of Thrones. Drones - about high technologies and the wizard Maske. About everything that is now interesting to satiated guests of fashion shows.

Snakes, chameleons, severed heads - it's still more puritanical than the sensational show of women's bags in 2005 by naked men.
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