Howdy dear readers,

I will start today's post by asking the question;

"Can a man wear colour pink?"

Well, of course, he can, a man can wear whatever he wants. But why don’t more men wear the colour pink, what’s wrong with it?

Well, for years, we have seen the colour pink become a very feminine colour. It’s used as a gender marker for women and for girls, so a lot of guys stay away from it.

But, today gentlemen, I want to give you reasons why I think pink should be in every man’s wardrobe.


In early years, colour pink was simply something that servants and working men wore. However, that doesn’t sound feminine to me. So what happened here, when and how did pink become so associated with women?

Well, it happened in the old times when people wanting to put gender markers on children, especially babies to be separate male from the female because it's quite difficult to do so, especially like a year old babies. So, people use coloured clothing to easily break this up so that they are addressed properly.

Pink is associated with the colour red which is considered a war-like, very strong colour. I want you to understand this history so that you can wear pink with confidence.

Now, let’s get into the five tips.

1. Pink is a colour of Confidence, so rock it with confidence.

Gentlemen, You don’t need a gender indicator of coloured clothing to indicate to the world that you are a man.

Look in the mirror, you have some facial hair, maybe few people don't have but at least you got the potential for facial hair. You have chiselled jaw, you have built up shoulders a built up chest, overall the physique of a man.

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So go out and rock that Pink with confidence!!

2. Pink Helps You Stand Out

The second point for wearing pink, gentlemen, is to stand out. Now, this takes courage because if you look in a room of a hundred men wearing suits, most of the shirts are going to be white, light blue or patterned white shirts maybe with a little bit of blue. Although I understand it’s a conservative approach and personally, I didn't like too bright colours but It’s why a lot of guys don’t stand out from the crowd, they don't want to try new things

But, you can wear a pink like a pastel pink and I’m not talking about bright pink here because what we’re looking for here is for you to have the courage to set yourself apart.

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Now, In respect to the confidence – if you’re going to wear pink you will have some people ask you about it, so you must be confident enough to take them on. (I never asked you to fight haha) then you can have people say that guy has a little bit of confidence, I like his style. That colour looks so great.

Personally, I wish I had the courage to wear pink.

3. Ladies Love Pink

It's no news that women love the colour pink. So, when we read through a number of women’s magazines talking about things that they like on a man and that colour pink consistently popped up, when they see a man wearing pink, immediately they think confidence. Women are drawn to confident and men that stand out.

So, why not rock that pink and get that girl!

4. Pink Is Easy To Match

Lastly, you should bring pink into your wardrobe. It is easy to match. So, if you want to change your wardrobe or want to bring in something new, you really don't need those patterns and those all those bright colours, your perfect choice is pink, you can go for a very light-coloured pink. This is going to work with anything that would pretty much go with a white shirt or a light blue shirt even.

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Pink will actually go to match more in my opinion than a light blue shirt because a light blue shirt with a charcoal grey suit looks okay, but when you bring in pink, all of a sudden this brings a bit of body.

However, depending on what your complexion is, pink is basically for everyone. If you have light-coloured skin, the pink can pull that out a bit more.

But for black men, for Asian, Hispanic and Indian men with darker complexions, you should love the colour pink. it’s going to help you stand out.

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Now You know pink is a very strong colour and men can also rock it

So, guys, I don’t know what else to say, I just want you to try something new. I want you to push the envelope on your style. I want you to find what works for you so you can use clothing as a weapon to get what you want out of life.

Thank you all for your time!
Thanks for following this post to the end.

Hope you have fallen in love with pink now.



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