Today's fashion


Every person nutures an inborn desire of looking good and feeling accepted in the society, so as fashion evolves daily people make conscious efforts to follow the trends. These days whatever you throw on is considered very fashionable. I mean pajamas is the new cool, you can wear it to a party or even a meeting. You can also wear a princess gown with sneakers, a bathrobe to an evening event! Your gym clothes are now your work clothes, i mean who says there are rules in fashion these days.
There are pieces put together that will get you asking "wait, what was that?!". Imagine a toilet paper passed off as a purse, weird right? Truth is, that's today's fashion for you, anything goes. So many things that would originally be considered or seen as "weird" are now being accepted today and people rock them well. I'm sure we can all agree that today the rules of fashion are not as rigid as they once were, infact the new biggest rule in fashion is that there are no rules. How cool is that?!
So, feel free to put on whatever you like as long as you feel comfortable in it after all, its all fashion.

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