I am the definition of Versatility!

Hello everybody! I'm new to this writing thing. I opened my steemit account a few months back but I never got around to posting so this is actually my introduction post. Wish me luck!!!

My name is Warrens Esther. I am a scientist in one of the major branches of science, Chemistry. I will always be a Chemist because, really, What is life without Chemistry?

I am the definition of versatility because I have never been just one thing. While acquiring my Bachelor's degree, I was also a model as well as a hostess. I also worked part time as a marketer and as an ambassador as well! Talk about Jack of all trades!

Today I am not just a scientist, I am also a fashion designer! Many people wonder till date how an Industrial Chemist became a fashion designer. Well, I believe there is no limit to what one can become. I might even be a Tax Analyst tomorrow! Who knows?

In the meantime, I am going to be blogging about my work in the fashion industry and telling you all about my passion in fashion. Check out some pictures of me rocking outfits made by my design label (DBW).WhatsApp Image 2018-08-03 at 19.09.30.jpegIMG_20171130_095633.jpgIMG_20171130_095617.jpgIMG_20170716_121908.jpgIMG_20170716_121855.jpgIMG_20170416_105523.jpg

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