Beauty Parlour with @bookoons (15)

πŸŽΌπŸŽ™ Music playing in the background Olowogbogboro by Nathaniel Bassey

Hello and welcome to another beautiful edition of Beauty Parlour with @bookoons. It's the last day of the month of September already and I am grateful to have made it this far. This month, I celebrated a lot of my amazing friends. So I recently visited Delta state and discovered there's a town named after one of my previous guests, @jesse12, the town is called Jesse town, way to go Jesse, you didn't tell me you've blown. I'd like to know, how did y'all cope during the Hardfork 20? Mehn, I was bored, thank God for discord and WhatsApp groups. In case you missed the last show with the funny @lordjames, catch up here.





Commercial break

Gbammm gbammm gbammmmmmmm! E don happen oh. The ogbonge show on steemit wey dey teach us beta about our hair don land again oh. If you no sabi the kind hair wey you get, the kind food wey you suppose chop for fine hair and skin, the lastest oshaprapra hairstyle and haircut wey dey town, na because of you we do this show. Every week, correct guest wey you go learn something about na him we dey carry come, plenty ofofo and tori even dey the show. If you get advert wey you wan do abi market wey you dey sell, kiakia drop am for the studio as e dey hotπŸ’₯ My brother, my sister, wetin you dey wait for? Oya rush now mae you go the show, no sell fish oh, tell your friends mae una come together.

the best and trendy hairdo for females and males, the best advise on how to take care of your hair, weaves and wigs. the best advise on taking care of your natural hair. the best foods to eat to get the very best sheen/texture for you hair and skin. and lots more




🎼🎢 Now playing *Barcelona by Ed Sheeran



Salon Wallpaper

From Fulani braids, we moving on to flat twists. My gosh, this style looks so delish. Especially more with natural hair.


Yum yum

Would you flat twist your hair?






This hairstyle is a very simple and common type, mostly seen on stylish black men... But what makes this style exceptional is the curvy line at the front, it gives it some kind of definition and obviously catches the eye.

Front line fade

You just have to look twice or more

An amazing and simple haircut to get, its actually the best style for you just in case you're trying to manage your hair solution and maintain the spotting waves and stuff.





Welcome to thairapy room. Last week, we discussed the benefits of water, today we'll be looking at laughter. Laughter is good for the body, it has numerous benefits which include;

  • It reduces the level of stress hormones in the body.
  • It boosts the immune system.
  • It is a natural form of exercise; you work the muscles.
  • It improves memory and regulates blood pressure.

Have you laughed today?

Check out the Advise segment here.





@bookoons: welcome to another tome out with a wonderful steemian. Today, I have with me in the studio the beautiful @joyce-okpobo. Welcome to the studoo today, please tell us about yourself.

@joyce-okpobo: Well, this question is a trap because you either end up saying too much or saying too little( lol). I would have preferred specific questions but let's hope I can give you all the information you need to know about me.
My name is Joyce Okpobo, the English girl who ended up studying fisheries in the great University of Benin. I hail from Edo State, Nigeria. Agebebode to be precise. I am an ambivert, not extroverted nor introverted. I used to be very tall. But now, I'm just 5.49ft. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
About food??? I am not a foodie and I don't have special foods because I cook with a food time table. But for soups, I prefer banga soup or Edo black soup with pounded yam.

Did I mention that I was single???πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ Yes I am single. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
At my leisure, I love to read, watch movies, or sew clothes. I'm not so much of a dancer but I can give good steps to a music I like while sitting. Sitting I said because I am sometimes shy. I sing better with instruments. I love to be around people with same energy and passion as myself.
So, church is my first home only that I don't sleep there πŸ˜„.

@bookoons: How has it been for you here on steemit?

@joyce-okpobo: It's been fun, adventurous and challenging as well. I was introduced to this noble platform by @lordjames. I registered and got my account approved January this year but I wasn't active; hibernation mode😁😁. When I finally decided to travel this path, the ship had already sailed some distance. There were lots of discouragements during my early stages. You know what it's like having taken your time to write a good post only to get a 0.01$ upvoteπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Not funny at all but thanks to @lordjames and @joshuaetim because of them, i didn't give up. I kept pushing, striving and doing what I knew how to do best. My great break came when I found @dimimp and @steemjet. Since then, it's only gotten better and I believe there are better things to come in the future.

@bookoons: What do you like most about a guy's look?

@joyce-okpobo: Mehn!, This question is very tempting (laughs). I love melanin. That's a first start. Beyond complexion, I love slim and tall guys. I'm sure my dad in a way influenced that because he was my three-in-one specifications (tall, dark and slim)😁😁 Besides all of the above, I love guys who make the effort to dress good. It attracts me like a magnet to an iron.

@bookoons: How old is your hair? Were you ever a natural?

@joyce-okpobo: My hair is about 8 years old. I was only natural first few weeks when I started making my hair. I have this tough and stubborn hair that I might cry when making it so I started using relaxer very early to give it that softness and ease of combing.

@bookoons: What's your hair routine?

@joyce-okpobo: I rarely make my hair because it's quite long and healthy. However, there are certain things I do to maintain it's lushness. I apply relaxer once in every three or four months. Very often, I use shear butter (ori) instead of hair cream. And when I'm not on a weave or weavon, I visit the salon once in three weeks for washing and setting. About three months ago, I bought longrich cleansing and treatment shampoo. It's an anti-dandruff too. It's effective and has a nice fragrance. So I usually take it with me to the salon.
@bookoons: What advise will you give to steemians who plan to quit due to frustration?

@joyce-okpobo: There's no field of the world where you have everything sailing in the positive direction only without obstacles. Steemit is no exception. There's a place for everyone on steem blockchain. Life becomes easier when we find our niches. To frustrated steemians, begin by finding your niche. Maybe writing is not for you. How about Vlogging? Maybe you've got an amazing voice, why not sing and get people to pay you for that? I know of @adoore-eu. Most of the things she has on her blog is food and she's doing good. Just find your place and give it your best shot. Like I tell people, if we focus on what we know how to do best and concentrate on delivering our best, I believe we would make it to the top pages of history.

@bookoons: Parting words for our audience.

@joyce-okpobo: To my audience, I want to say thank You for patiently going through this interview with me. Always wear a positive attitude like you do your perfume because a negative attitude cannot give you a positive life. And thank you @bookoons for the privilege to be on set with you.

@bookoons: thank you for your time. Our esteemed audience, thanks for staying with us this long, until the next time we come your way, remember, we hair for you.






  • APC finally wins Osun rerun.
  • Chelsea - Liverpool...a draw!
  • Labour congress strike commenced on Thursday; how long will it last?
  • Fela Durotoye will be contesting under the ANN banner


  • HF 20 hit us all hard but we back now
  • 4 weeks to SIN2, are you ready visit for more info
  • Happy first birthday to #stach

Don't forget to use the following tags; #girlsfoundation #steemjetrecords #steemitcentral #eu-africa #wafrica

Interesting shows to never miss;
@gee1's #mcm, #wcw, #tbt
@dhavey's meet our witness
@stach's discord spoken word
@camzy's entertainment flash
@celebritygist's celebrities gist
@jeaniepearl's TGIF
@rebeccaFL's steemit diary
@oredebby's movie night
@adoore-eu's kitchen
@zizymena's relationship talk

Shows you shouldn't miss on discord;

@winarobert's DSW contest on stach every Tuesday by 8pm
@zizymena's relationship talk on @air-hawk studio every Saturday and on naijapidgin on Thursdays
@itoroarchibong's WLW on stach server every Wednesday by 8pm
@bookoons News Around the World on @stach's server on Thursdays by 8pm
@julietisrael's shout out and bottled messages on Fridays by 9:30pm on stach
@yensesa's curation shows on Fridays by 8pm
@steemjet's radio show by 6pm on Saturdays
@steemitcentral's curation show by 7pm on Saturdays
@naijapidgin's variety show every Sunday evenings by 6pm
@wafrica's party every Sundays by 8pm

Happy birthday in arrears to @morahn @prayzz and @mhorpeh. Special birthday shout out to @stach, join us as we party tonight by 8pm on the [server.]((

Have you joined Mancave yet? You earn for participation on the server. If not, join here

Your suggestions, contributions and words of encouragement keeps us going, please don't stop them. Thank you.

We need sponsorship, no amount is too small and we'll be grateful.


Something light for first set of people who upvote, comment and resteem.

If Jesus tarries, I'll see you again next week; until then, stay occupied.

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