Monopolies are EVIL

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Banking: Federal (private) Reserve, IMF
Food/Clothing/Plastics: WalMart, PepsiCo
Software: Microsoft
Online Sales: Amazon
Information: Google
Integrated Circuits: INTEL
Social: Facebook
Chemicals and Food Production: Monsanto
Chemicals and plastics: Dow
Metal Products: GE
Media (including PORN) and Encryption: Israel

These monopolies, and many others, run your society and are unelected RULERS over you in every sense of the word. These CEOs and one foreign President/Lobby Group/Owners control what you see, hear, read, eat, wear, use, and most knowledge you falsely believe is true. They write their own laws. Sometimes the taxpayers PAY THEM and they pay NOTHING in TAXES.

Simply breaking the monopolies of these 12 companies and one foreign nation would alter life so dramatically, it would be equivalent to the introduction of the home/office computer. Fair and HONEST business needs actual competition. They all HATE it and fight for dominant market share for one reason besides profits: CONTROL.

Now, the comatose American people have encouraged and allowed a medical monopoly ran by the Gov to be erected. They already had a monopoly on FORCE. Now they own your health as well.

Breaking up these 12 monopolies, ENDING Federal control over healthcare, and getting Israel OUT of the USA Foreign Policy, Media ownership, and Technology realms is paramount if you WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO SURVIVE.

The Germans WON WW2. The fascism all around you PROVES IT.

If you learn to grow food and buy locally from NON-MONOPOLY sources, you ARE FIGHTING against their evil VERY EFFECTIVELY. You will also become wealthy if you do it correctly. The best is to own a small farm 30 miles outside of a small town that is self sufficient and can support several other families besides yours. In a "situation", you will need at least 8 healthy adults in your group to survive long term. 30 adults improves your chances significantly if you also have medical staff.

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-Galt's Ghost

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