happy fartners day, running yearly joke. another year to ignore the commercialisation that is fathers day.


i mean, ok, it’s nice to celebrate it, being a father is a huge moment in a mans life.

my world would certainly have been less colourful that’s for sure. i’m blessed to be a dad and have a wonderful kid who’s added layers of fun and love to my life.

she’s not really an organised girl thou so i don’t expect to a get a card or even a message until later on today when she probably surfaces, she’s probably still asleep as i write this.

it’s gonna be a busy day here, everyone out for breakfast or lunch, always a nice time to go out with the family for a meal on fathers day, you can be sure the food places across the country are rammed to the rafters today.

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

i’m making sure my breakfast is extra special this morning and i’m gonna have a chilled one, throwing myself into the week. Gotta change a few things up this week, got a new plan, an easy way to get a new income stream going — doesn’t require too much from me to get started either, maybe a few hours a week once the system is in place.

i don’t think i could be the 9 to 5er again thou that earmarks out “calendar” dates around their job. i feel like the lines are already blurred when it comes to remote work and now we kinda build in experiences to balance out our hectic days too.

i’ve never needed an excuse of a day or date to have fun or block in experiences, maybe that’s the thing, i don’t need it to be on someone else calendar or costing them dime. I’m much into organic things that just take place, maybe based on the mood or the sentiment of the day — weather too effects me like that.

humble x

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