Diseases of plants: anthracnose

Diseases of plants: anthracnose


Hello, dear steemians, especially to my much appreciated @farms community. In this opportunity I bring you a post about one of the diseases that most affect our crops: anthracnose. Below I present information about their behavior, types of crop that attacks and how to control it.


Anthracnose (or chancre) is a disease caused by fungi: Gloeoesporium or Colletotrichum. This is favored by the heat and excessive humidity. It is possible to detect it by the appearance of a small point that with time becomes bigger and takes black color. This can develop both in the leaves and in the fruits.

The spread of this disease can be due to conditions where there is not enough aeration and there is no ideal space between plants. It also has a great opportunity to thrive, in cases where the fruits have some crack (wound) that creates an environment conducive to evolve.

Crops affected by anthracnose:

There are many crops that can be affected by this disease, among them we can highlight:

Citrus: in the tangerine crops, a type of alternate alternate anthracnose usually appears. It attacks leaves and fruits equally. Small spots appear and then turn black. It is possible, if the disease is very advanced, that it begins to be noticed that the leaves weaken and fall to the ground.

Corn: in this crop, the fungus that causes the disease is Colletotrichum graminícola. In the maize it generates black spots with certain yellowish shades of different shapes. It is recommended to pay attention to the seeds that will be used for sowing, since these could contain the disease.

Olive: this can be caused by two types of fungi: Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The olive is affected by the appearance of spots that little by little turn black and the surrounding area acquires a coloration.

Tomatoes and peppers: these crops are also prone to suffer from this disease. It is presented with the same characteristics as in the previous crops.

Symptoms of anthracnose: this disease usually appears on the leaves under the plant. It manifests with the appearance of tiny spots that eventually turn dark. After a while, they will turn black and sunken.

Control of anthracnose:

The control of this disease can be done in two ways: chemically or naturally. Chemically, copper-based products are commonly used. However, a farmer seeking a more ecological treatment considers, among other things, leaving a prudential space between each plant to facilitate aeration between each plant, improve the aeration of the crops using tools to improve aeration, control the system Irrigation and avoid waterlogging, by cleaning the remains of other crops, avoid leaving traces, as they may contain traces of the disease and contaminate the new crop, rotate crops, choose to plant other crops resistant to the disease.

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