One reason why the importance of Agriculture can still not be underestimated is its value. Agricultural products are valuable in the sense that they can regenerate, from a particular product which is the main product or also known as the joint product we can produce other multiple products termed By products.

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These other multiple products created in the process are considered as the primary output of the system.

Examples of byproducts are:

  • Manure from a feedlot operation

  • Sawdust at a sawmill

  • Salt from a desalination plant

  • Straw from a grain harvesting operation.

Agricultural products are a products gotten when plants and animals are been cultivated to sustain or enhance human life. Food is the major and most widely produced agricultural product, and, the global per-person food supply (as measured in calories per person) has risen more than 20 percent in the past 50 years. But we must note that an Agricultural product is not same as its by products.

One of the major Agricultural by products are Straws which are
stalks of threshed grain, used as bedding and food for animals, for thatching, and for weaving or braiding, as into baskets. They can also be burned to produce power, and as a source of sustainable biomass for economically incentivized projects, agricultural byproducts are being aggressively researched for applications in recycled manufactured products and as renewable fuel sources.

Feeding of agricultural by-products such as straws and crop residues to livestock in the tropics is a common practice especially during the dry season when the available pasture is of low quality. These by-products have been evaluated mainly for their potential as sources of energy and protein.

The agricultural by-product feeds available include cereal and legume straws, corncob, cocoa pod husk, coffee pulp and peels of yams, cocoyams, plantains and cassava. The nutritional problems encountered in the utilisation of these by-products, the treatments needed to improve their nutritional values and the economics of feeding to ruminant are been considered in acquiring them. The other major problems associated with the use of these by-products are bulking, transportation, storage and processing.

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Industrial by-products such as wheatbran, dried brewers, oilseed cakes, copra, cottonseed cake and palmkernel); pito mash and maize bran are used greatly in the rations of non-ruminants.

By products could also come from animals which could either be edible or non- edible by products, non edible by product such as the cow hide is used to make other byproducts. A lot can be made from 1 cow hide, 12 basketballs or 144 baseballs
or 20 footballs or 18 volleyballs or 18 soccer balls or 12 baseball gloves etc. Industrial oils and lubricants, soaps, lipsticks, deodorant, and many other items are produced from the inedible fats from beef.

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It can also be useful in health sector, more than 100 individual drugs include beef byproducts. The medicines can help make childbirth safer, can settle an upset stomach, can prevent blood clots, control anemia, and help relieve asthma symptoms. Antirejection drugs, which are used when a person has a transplant to help the body accept the new organ, come from animal byproducts. Insulin, which is used 1.25 million people daily in the United States, can come from livestock or be synthetically produced.

Edible by products from cows contain gelatin and includes gum, fruit snacks, and even marshmallows! Fat from this animal create oleo stock and oleo oil for margarine and shortening.

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