You don't have to get a degree in agriculture however you have to learn from a specialist. To extend your insight on cattle farming business; you ought to attend seminars, talk to a specialist who is already established in the cow business.
Also inquire the assistance of a veterinarian. On the off chance that conceivable you can also look for the assistance of a nutritionist and a specialist in cow business if conceivable.

Weather condition for cattle rearing in Nigeria

Cattle farming; a woman with her cow

Most circumstances, some type of outside cattle do find it hard to live in a sweltering weather; you will see them panting, which could arise to a few diseases (respiratory challenges).

Be that as it may, as times goes on, most circumstances they get used to the harsh weather. In any case, local cattle are already used to the sweltering weather when it comes. However, outside cattle from nations that have harsh weather like that of Nigeria, will adapt simply well.

Different gains you can determine when you rear cattle-Byproducts

On the off chance that you think that cattle are rear only for meats, at that point you are off-base! Aside from meat, there are many side-effects of cattle. The following are the arrangements of them with distinctive explanations.

Meat; okay, we already know this one. Most farmers rear cattle for meat (hamburger) generation.

On the off chance that you are interested in this, you can start your own meat generation company, package them and supply them to supermarkets or local market dealers.

Drain; many individuals adore crisp dairy drain. Drain is another popular result of cattle that has appeal; several liters can be delivered if managed adequately. So marketing and selling your drain won't be an issue.

Cheddar; is a nourishment got from drain that can be framed into many ranges of flavors, surfaces, and structures. It contains proteins and fat from cattle drain. Having several vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, it is said to cut the danger of both heart disease and osteoporosis when eaten in unassuming amounts.

Cover up and skin; the stow away and skin of cows can be utilized for the generation of leather things like shoe, bag, footwear and so forth.

Cow bones; a great deal of us may think that cow bones are pointless, well they are most certainly not. Cow bones can be utilized for producing, woodwinds, gems, composts (bone meal), chinaware's (dishes) and plastics. A justifiable reason why you ought not arrange off your cow's bones, gather them up for business!

Cow hooves; is a brilliant item to produce fire extinguishing foam. Keratin, a protein extracted from cow hooves is utilized as a part of creating a fire extinguishing foam which is regularly utilized as a part of the airport.

Cow offal or organs; a portion of the cow's organs are utilized as a part of the pharmaceutical industries for the creation for fever, asthma, anemia and so on for example, cow pancreas is utilized for producing Insulin.

Cow Dung; Cow excrement is a decent wellspring of organic manure for farm create.

We can continue endlessly listing the results of a cow from their hair, the horns and a lot more. In other to adhere to our main subject; How to start Cattle Farming business in Nigeria we wouldn't want to waste additional time.

So here we go;

The initial step we have to take in setting up a cattle farm is;

Make a business plan

Determine your reason for rearing cow

Get a decent location for your cattle

Get great land for your cattle farming

Get or prepare the necessary facilities for your cow business

Get great cattle breed

Work with an accomplished farmer

Be business-minded

Make a plan; have a decent realistic business plan. Make a rundown of what you ought to do, the quantity of cows you want to have, the sort of farm you want to have. Determine to what extent you want to be in this business. And also recollect that you will start small.

Am not saying that you can't start huge in the event that you want to yet it is shrewd that you ought to develop this business in a gradual steady process for great achievement.

Determine your reason for rearing cows; you should give yourself the reason for rearing cows. Are you rearing them for meat, drain, hooves, horns, for their covers up and skins? Or on the other hand would you like to pitch to the individuals who are producing these items? On the off chance that you are really certain of this, at that point you can continue to the subsequent stage.

Get a decent location; find a location for rearing your cattle. This is you should like and be sure with the location. The location ought not be far to the nearest market or it ought not be far from the town. This is because of easy transportation of your cows.

Get a decent land for your cow business; this is important. It is advisable that you ought to acquire a land that is huge for space reason (for wandering and farmstead). The land can be purchased or leased. When leasing or purchase the land, you ought to have in mind that the land ought to have great green pasture because grasses are the essential for cows.

Get or prepare the necessary facilities; you won't just stop on simply buying a land. The subsequent stage is for you to set up this land to a suitable standard and condition for your cows. You should develop a fence around the land to avoid criminals and burglaries. You should develop a sheds for the cows, with the goal that they can rest under during sweltering weathers.

It is also considerate to construct a house for your worker (that is whether you are planning to have any). And make a supply of good water for your cows. You can either burrow a well or develop an artificial stream. You can also get feeding gear if conceivable on the off chance that you are not using pasture strategy for feeding.
Get the best cow breeds; after setting up your land, at that point the following stage is purchasing your cows. Purchase a male cow and a female cow for multiplication. There are diverse sorts of breeds that fill distinctive need, either for meat generation or drain creation. For those entering into dairy generation, here are the arrangements of breeds you can purchase;




Sokoto Gudali



Adamawa Gudali


White Fulani





Nonetheless, the individuals who are interested in meat generation can purchase breeds like;

West African Dwarf Shorthorn (Muturu)



Kuri… and so on

Availability of pasture for your cattle business in Nigeria

Cattle farming in Nigeria; Pasture

Image credit; Wikimedia Commons

You have to determine if the pasture in your land will be sufficient for your cows. On the off chance that it won't be sufficient, at that point you should seriously mull over growing or purchasing hays.

Utilize the administration of a veterinarian

The administration of a decent veterinarian is required for the successful running of your cattle farming business. Being a specialist, they will assist you in managing your cows to lessen or forestall diseases, and propagation. Dissimilar to the veterinarian, there are a few things which you won't not understand, watch and learn from them and ask them question if things don't appear to be correct.

Utilize assistants

In the event that you are thinking of rearing your cows alone, at that point I should warn you that it won't be easy especially when you are rearing many cows. Consider employing a herdsman who can assist you.

Cattle's Growth; for a calf to mature into a developed cow, it takes up to 2-3 years. And a full and a healthy developed cow weights about 450kg-550kg. By at that point, you are allowed to offer them in the event that you want to.

Cattle Marketing; when you are ready to offer your cow(s), first make a market research on how much a cow; so you won't lose while others are gaining.

Some different things you should think about are;

Capital; in the event that you mean to start up this business however not certain of where to get capital, at that point you can loan from the bank or some Microfinance. Other commercial banks like First bank, Access bank and so forth can also be of assistance, in case you're able to convince them with your business plan.

Or then again you can be part of our business training to learn how to inspire capital to finance your cattle business in Nigeria, HERE

The most effective method to know whether your cow is wiped out;

These are signs that show when your cattle are debilitated

High temperature (fever)

Loss of appetite (less nourishment and water utilization)

Aborted breathing

Weight reduction

Profound coughing

Nasal and eyes discharges

Ridiculous diarrhea or excrement.

Melancholy; cows do have despondency you will see (drooping head and ears, exorbitantly moderate development, lagging behind whatever is left of the group, and lack of enthusiasm to get up when approached.)

Low activities; a wiped out cow will trim back from the daily activities.

This is the reason it's required for you to have the administration of a veterinarian who will help in administering them with adequate minerals and medicine for better upkeep.

Vermin and diseases of cows; beneath are the recorded conceivable nuisances and diseases that may affect your cows-

Redwater; it is caused by the blue tick. The Signs of red water are fever, lack of appetite, red urine, pale to yellow gums and eyes, and at times apprehensive signs, for example, trouble in walking.

Heartwater; the Signs of this disease are fever, discouragement, high-stepping, leading to writhings and death. Heartwater can be treated with Tetracycline.

Gall affliction; this diseases can be spread among cattle by blood, for example by biting insects, or injecting the animals with the same needle utilized with infected cattle. The indications of this disease are misery, lack of appetite, fever, pale to yellow gums and eyes, as well as constipation.

Tick damage; Ticks can cause extreme damage to cattle, particularly around the udder and ears. The injuries will regularly get infected with microorganisms and may be hit by flies.
To avoid all this cattle diseases or nuisance from affecting your cattle, the administration of a veterinarian is profoundly suggested.

Signs that demonstrates your cows is in heat

A heating period means when a cow is ready to mate with a male cow. Cows typically indicate estrus, or indications of heat, approximately every 21 days. The signs you can see when a cow is in heat are;

The cow's drain creation drops.

Its delivers a clear discharge from the vulva.

Mounting different cows and allowing different cows to mount it.

Pressing its chin on different cows.

Increased urination

Displaying aggressive behavior

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