How to plant, grow and harvest watermelon !!

You can't examine watermelon developing without experiencing a universe of affectionate recollections. Over 4000 years earlier, these football evaluated natural items began appearing in Ancient Egypt. Not long after, the improvement of the seeds began spreading transversely once again unique parts of the old world like Persia, Arabia and India. One thing that exceptional the mass advancement of this collect in these locales was the dry climate.


At present, watermelon is the third most created yield on earth. The principle distinctive items that are increasingly created are potatoes and tomatoes.

Regardless, completed the years, water melon hasn't simply be known as a characteristic item, it has in like manner been associated with various medicinal points of interest. They have been associated with neutralizing activity of heart related conditions and modifying metabolic insufficiencies.

Watermelon is stacked with enhancements, for instance, potassium, magnesium, press, folic destructive, B nutrients and moreover nutrient An and C. It moreover contains lycopene, a malignant growth avoidance operator that shields the skin from splendid bars. In this way you can use watermelon to check sunburn. The lycopene substance can similarly help lessen harm danger. Diverse favorable circumstances of water melon are recorded underneath.

Eye mind

The lycopene in water melon may help turn away macular degeneration which is customary among the older.

Muscle prosperity

Water melon contains citrulline which can be accommodating contenders to help envision muscle soreness. Citrulline moreover improves practice execution and continuation.

Skin and hair mind

The nutrients An and C in water melon are fundamental nutrients for perfect skin and hair prosperity. As communicated before the lycopene in this common item moreover shields the skin from sunburn.

At the present time, watermelon developing is very notable in the North and a larger piece of the watermelon ate up in the South starts from the Northern bit of the country. This article gives a very much arranged guide in watermelon developing paying little mind to your territory.

Site Selection

As communicated previously, watermelon thrives extraordinary in hot and dry climate; this is the reason it is commonly created in the Northern bit of the country. Regardless, the ideal planting region isn't generally the North. It tends to be planted in any bit of the country. Typically, the start of the stormy season or towards the completion of this season is the ideal planting time period. The reason behind this is an immediate consequence of the low moisture levels related with this period.

In the Northern bit of Nigeria, this period is commonly May for the early season or July for the late season. Generally, watermelon can be planted enduring during that time in the North as long as their agreeable water supply through water framework.

In the Southern part, you can plant in March which is the early planting season. You can in like manner plant in the mid season which is either in late June or early July. By then there's the late planting season which is in September or October. The mid-season planting is significantly subject to the rain. If the storms which is required to start in mid June starts essentially earlier, by then you can't plant in this period

Moreover, the ideal soil for planting is sandy or loamy soil. The farm should in like manner have palatable introduction to light. If your earth isn't commonly ready, you can plant the seed in stores of manure.

Likewise, watermelon requires a huge amount of room. The plant is a floating vine and can cover anything it associates with. Disregarding the way that they don't climb, you can set them up on strong trellis. This fabricates their introduction to light and you can in like manner save space using this system. Regardless, you require a dash of capacity when fabricating or presenting the trellis since they ought to be adequately strong to help the largeness of the making natural item.

Land Preparation

The land should be wrinkled going before planting; regardless you can plant that day of wrinkling. It has been watched that planting thusly is better than holding up till the next day.

Seed Selection

There are various varieties of the water melon plants from which you can look over when starting your farm. A segment of these include:


Dark Diamond

This particular specie is moderately dim in shading and its skin is wound safe skin. It is moreover sweet tasting and has a delicious substance.


The Congo kinds of the watermelon has a succulent red delicate living animal and it has a high sugar content. The melon is lengthened and medium green with diminish green stripes. This specie is particularly ordinary in the country.

Ruby Sweet

This is an exceptionally sweet collection; it has a dim red tissue with a remarkable dull green striped skin. This is another fundamental variety in Nigeria

Moon& Stars

This is another grouping of water melon. It is depicted by its red tissue.


Water melon can be planted on the dimension arrive or on edges. In case the soil is earth, planting on an edge or bed is recommended. Of course, you can plant on a dimension arrive if the earth is loamy. The planting opening should associate with 30 cm through and through.

When creating in business sums you can plant on edges. The soil used should be especially exhausted in light of the fact that the watermelon plant doesn't do well in water logged condition. It is never endorsed to build up your water melon in the nursery. Commonly the watermelon seed becomes inside a few days.

The plant segments should associate with 2 meters isolated and the scattering between plants should be 1 foot isolated. Building up the plant in raised lines ensure extraordinary leakage. Generally, the method for planting furthermore depends upon the grouping. If you are planting the Congo or Crimson Variety, you ought to guarantee the sections are no under 10 feet isolated.

Prior to planting, you can survey the idea of the water melon seeds by dunking them into a salt course of action (3-5%). The ones that should be planted should quickly sink into the base of the bowl. Additionally, the rough seeds ought to be loose before they can be planted.

Moreover, you can make the plants progressively impenetrable to bug and sicknesses by drying the seeds under the sun for seven days going before planting. You should add humus to the soil before planting. This is better than characteristic compost since fertilizer consistently impacts the pith of the watermelon and it incapacitates the security of the plant to sickness. You can in like manner use inorganic excrements like phosphorus and potassium.

Post Planting

You need to water the plant once consistently until the point that they wind up create. You can in like manner mulch the soil. This is basic in light of the way that watermelon require acceptable clamminess for perfect advancement. Mulch similarly keeps the weeds out

In like manner you should incorporate regular compost as frequently as would be prudent. You can in like manner use inorganic manures. The creating plant requires an irregular condition of nitrogen regardless, when the plant blossoms and characteristic items you can decrease the nitrogen supply and augmentation the phosphorus and potassium supply.

You can change the tip of the watermelon vine to create toward the way. You can moreover use trellis to encourage their improvement and addition first experience with sunshine.

A particular bug called the leaf eating frightening little creature normally exasperate the advancement of water melon by ambushing the gets out. You can decrease the attack on the water melon leaves by improving the soil conditions of the plant. For the circumstance, the water melon plant will grow adequately speedy to reduce the effect of these creepy crawlies.

To the extent disease intrusion, form is a development that impacts the leaves of the plant. You can keep up a vital separation from this disease by keeping the leaves of the water melon from staying wet adequately long to cause form. This should be conceivable by avoiding discovered watering


It takes 3 months for water melon to create in status for assemble. This suggests you can plant up to multiple times in a year.The watermelon should be set up for assemble once they are totally prepared. The signs of maturing consolidate the dryness of the rings and furthermore a dull sound when shuddering the natural item. Presently when you put load on the melon, you can hear a snap around the skin.

Another way to deal with certify its chance to gather is by checking the base of the melon. This part which is closest to the earth should have occupied significant yellow from white. Furthermore, the shading at the best is similarly essential. Right when the watermelon turns prepared, there's ordinarily an unpredictability between the strips.

The stems should be cut with a sharp cutting edge close to the natural item. Water melon can last as long as 10 days, nevertheless, when cut, they would simply last around 4 days.

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