Planting Curly Chili and How to Care for Curly Chili


Hello guys !!!
this time I will give you a curly chili plant in a very easy way for us to do in the culture of curly chili gardening

Seed Seeding
The dried seeds are ready for sowing. Prepare the nursery first by swelling the land using a hoe, making the galengan (mound) so that the seedlings are not submerged in water.
After the nursery is ready, the next step is to spread the chilli seeds to the seedling site. Before spreading the seeds, the seeds should be soaked with warm water first. Separate the sinking seeds, and remove the floating chilli seeds. Floating seeds are likely to grow very difficult


Planting Preparation

While waiting for the seeds to be ready for planting, we can prepare the land used for planting curly chillies. As with seedlings, planting places must also be sprung up using a hoe. Form the planting area such as galengan (elongated mound) with a width of about 80 cm with a length adjusted to the needs. Create a similar gallery with a distance of 60 cm from the first tunnel. Add manure or compost for nutrients for chili

Planting Curly Chili Seeds

After the seeds sown have leaves of about 4 -5 strands, the seeds are ready to be transferred to the planting area. Unplug the seed from the seedling place and put it in a bucket of water to soak the seedling roots

Plant seeds with a distance of about 60 cm x 60 cm, to maintain circulation and provide maximum growth space for chili

Chili that has been planted must be watered regularly in the morning and evening, do cleaning and maintenance regularly so that the curly chili planted can thrive



curly chili treatment

Care is needed to keep chillies thriving and avoid diseases, fertilizing and eradicating pests. Remove chili trees that have been attacked by diseases / pests and burn so as not to spread to other chili trees. Give the support stakes to the chili stems so they don't collapse, and do regular watering




Here are some ways to grow curly chili and how to treat it from pest disorders in chili plants


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