Steemchurch @farms: Snail Farming (Introduction, Byproduct & healthbenefit of snail)

Introduction to Snail Farming in Nigeria


Snail raising is a business opportunity which is now and then disregarded in light of the fact that a great many people feel it can never be a wellspring of pay or riches.

Aside that, a few people additionally felt and have the origination that snail cultivating can never be see as a business since individuals can undoubtedly get snail in the homesteads after rainfalls for utilization without setting them up as a business.

That is the motivation behind why creature cultivation like poultry cultivating, piggery and fishery are more well known.

In any case, even notwithstanding that, snail cultivating as a business undertaking is one of the various methodologies which will and has effectively changes Nigeria's subsistence farming.

The open doors in snail raising by a long shot exceed its difficulties or issues.

Snail cultivating in Nigeria requires little capital and the working capital might be low, contrast with other creature farming like poultry, fishery, steers raising, goat cultivating, and so forth.

This is so since snail's sustains are extremely local, national or neighborhood.

In any case, snail cultivating business in Nigeria is a sort or sort of rural wander that on the off chance that one ventures in it perseveringly, he/she would not have any reason to lament.

Realize that the interest for snail is extensive in Nigeria in that capacity the market capability of snail is endless, locally and universally

so on the off chance that you feel that you are not offering as much as you expect in Nigeria, at that point don't hesitate to trade your snail to different nations who additionally have a popularity for it.

Snail cultivating business can be exceptionally beneficial in Ghana, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa, and Nigeria.

However, in Nigeria, snail cultivating business isn't very considered and put into thought as how it is been done in different nations.

In Australia and USA, snail cultivating is a major business, giving chances to numerous ranchers.

In UK, snails can be seen in numerous general stores and stores.

Looking on how genuine different nations has taken snail raising business, you will allow me to write in this article we are truly in an awesome arrangement lacking behind in snail creation in Nigeria.

One thing you should think about snail cultivating (Heliciculture) which is the way toward raising area snails particularly for human utilization or utilize is that, snail raising is as simple as ABC.

The main impressive thing the raising of snail requires is your consideration, care and great administration.

Something else you should know is that snails replicate quickly.

They are equipped for creating 100 eggs or additionally amid generation.

The disclosure of the Achatina, which is additionally alluded to as mammoth Ghana snail or goliath tiger arrive snail is high productive specie of snail which has the potential can lay up to 1,000,000 eggs or more.

Snail cultivating in Nigeria and the side-effects of Snails

Snails are extremely drowsy in development and because of this property it has generally been an image of sluggishness.

Snails are normally found in the woodland or hedge zones and are extremely dynamic around evening time.

Yet, by and by, this slow little animals has high advantage that a few of us who more often than not expends snails has no clue that it has; from utilizing it in delivering different items to its sound advantages.


A portion of the results of snail

In the event that you truly and prepared to go into snail cultivating in Nigeria you ought to be completely mindful of the snail's supplements, its results or value.

This is suggested so when showcasing your snail, your clients may be activated to buy your item on the off chance that you advise them about things they don't think about snail.

Same goes for each business.

Beside eating snail as nourishment, snail and the vast majority of its part can be utilized for different things.

Snail shell

This is the external and harder piece of the snail which the snail utilizes as security from their predator or from peril.

Most circumstances or here and there, snail shell can be utilized for conventional drug, adornment or dots, embellishments, cowries or for nearby instruments.

Snail eggs or snail caviar

These are the imitated some portion of the (snail eggs) which will step by step move into grown-up snail.

The vast majority eat snail eggs or snail caviar; it is once in a while put into soups or been set up for the sole point of utilization, yet for business reason, it is prudent to save your snail eggs for generation.

Snail Slime.

This is a sort of bodily fluid, an outer substantial discharge which is created by snails, gastropod mollusks.

It is jam in nature. Aside from the piece of snail which is been expended as sustenance, another essential piece of the snail is the snail sludge.

Snail sludge contains 91-98% water.

The sludge is separated different circumstances to expand its focus and guarantee its immaculateness.

Snail ooze could be utilized for different purposes, for example,

For customary drug; long prior, snail sludge was generally utilized therapeutically from old Greece to the medieval times inside against gastrointestinal ulcers, and as syrup, to calm a hack. Despite the fact that now, a few people have confidence in it mending capacity and still additionally utilize it.

Use in the treatment of consumes; In Cameroon, snail sludge has likewise been utilized by the Bamiléké individuals of Cameroon to treat consumes.

Use for beautifying agents; on the off chance that you don't have a clue, now you know it; snail sludge can be utilized for beauty care products and it has various advantages.

Realize that the vast majority of these beauty care products snail sludge are normally extricated from a snail assortment known as Cornu Aspersum (beforehand Helix Aspersa).

  • Snail sludge is loaded with supplements, for example, hyaluronic corrosive, glycoprotein, proteoglycans, antimicrobial and copper peptides, which are normally utilized as a part of excellence items and ended up being advantageous for the skin. However, these properties help to shield the snail's skin from harm, contamination, dryness and UV beams and similarly advantageously to human skin.

  • For serums, facial covers, lotions and blurring creams-; Snail discharge filtrate is generally utilized as a part of Korean for excellence items. What's more, these emissions have an unbiased look, smell and surface.

  • Snail mucin can be utilized to treat dry skin, wrinkles and extend imprints, skin inflammation and rosacea, age spots, consumes, scars, razor knocks and even level warts.It can likewise be utilized for against maturing properties that it helps to arouse the improvement of collagen and elastin. It shields skin from free radicals, mitigate skin, repair harmed tissues and reestablish hydration.

Having examined the side-effects and the handiness of snails, lets rapidly take a gander at the medical advantages of snail

Snail Farming and Health Benefits of Snail

These are the supplements and vitamins that are been given by snail to body directions.

  • Snail contains choline (an imperative water-solvent vitamin). This choline is known to be required in building and keeping up solid cell films, shielding the liver from fat aggregation, help transport triglycerides from the liver, can separate fat so it is valuable to keep the development of awful cholesterol in the circulation system and furthermore fundamental for the embryo and newborn children to help the development of the mind, along these lines, the infant should drink bosom drain that rich in choline.

  • Snail contains abnormal amounts of magnesium; which is required for in excess of 325 enzymatic responses, together with been engaged with the amalgamation of fats, proteins and nucleic acids, neural movement, muscle withdrawal and unwinding, cardiovascular action and bone digestion.

  • Snail is high in selenium which are critical minerals and supplements that battles illnesses, for example, malignancy and coronary illness. It is likewise intense cell reinforcements that assistance to keep the maturing and solidifying of tissues through oxidation. Selenium minerals can be found in each cell of the body, which is principally in the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, and testicles.

  • Snail contains Omega-3 unsaturated fats which is extremely valuable for counteracting maladies identified with the heart since omega 3 can make blood vessel organ turns out to be more versatile than that, omega 3 can lessen the danger of hypertension. This Omega 3 is likewise useful for enhancing eye wellbeing by and large. In 100 grams of snails additionally contained 100 UI Vitamin A that is useful for the eyes. And furthermore aid the improvement of the mind and memory of kids. Omega-3 is great to propel our mind wellbeing since it influences the development of cell films in the neurological framework in the cerebrum. What's more, omega 3 can enhance memory so it is reasonable for the individuals who regularly absent minded. In conclusion, Children who much of the time devour omega 3 it is great to help the physical and mental advancement of kids.

  • Snails contain high level of protein (12-16%) and irons (45-50 mg/kg) they are low in fat and furthermore contain all the amino acids required by people.

  • Snail meat has a high restorative esteem known to control hypertension and its blue fluid is utilized as a part of preventing unreasonable seeping from open injuries.

How to Start a Snail Farming/Rearing Business in Nigeria


  • Be determined.
  • Set up a business plan for your snail business.
  • Determine your cost or capital.
  • Select a fertile land and type of soil.
  • Housing and Using of intensive system.
  • Selecting the right breed and stocking.
  • Feed your snail appropriately.
  • Healthy management.
  • Reproduction and maturity.
  • Harvesting.
  • Marketing your snail.
  • Other issues; include possible pests and diseases.

Since we have recorded the focuses that we will talk about, now we should clarify them in a steady progression.

1) Be resolved

It is one thing to think about a marketable strategy, it is additionally something else to be resolved, set it up and sustain it till it develops.

To set up a snail cultivating business in Nigeria, you should be extremely decided and make certain this is the thing that you need to do.

No business is simple, not snail cultivating in Nigeria.

Keep in mind when you are resolved, you misfortune stalling.

2) Write a marketable strategy for your snail business

In setting up a snail cultivating business in Nigeria, you should setup a flawless strategy for success for it.

A decent business is one that has a strategy for success which is the reason I generally use to underline on this when letting down a protect .

A business that has a strategy for success is one that has the high capability of succeeding great.

It is so in light of the fact that a strategy for success involves the measure of capital you mean to begin with, your assessed pick up, the measure of cash you plan to spend in obtaining of gear or building your offices, the quantity of snail you're beginning with, and so forth, in addition to your showcasing methodologies.

At the point when all these are reported, it will give you an understanding of the bearing your business is making a beeline for; that is whether you are picking up or losing in your snail cultivate business; this additionally applies to different business.

Another justifiable reason motivation behind why you ought to have a decent strategy for success is on the grounds that at whatever point you need an advance, a great marketable strategy would back you up to secure a speedier credit from financial specialists on the grounds that the speculators could consider you to be being not kidding and having a decent knowledge into the snail business.

3) Determine your cost or capital

You ought to decide the scale and the measure of cash you mean to begin your snail cultivating business with.

Would you like to begin the snail cultivating little or would you like to begin enormous?

These are among the inquiries you ought to have a response to before you begin.

A few people begin with an immense capital, while other begin with minimal capital at that point over the long haul, they put in more snails as the benefit develops.

This all relies upon the span of your pocket, recollect; the one fortunate thing about snail cultivating business is that you can begin it with low capital.

4) Selecting a prolific land and sort of soil

While choosing a land for beginning your snail cultivating business in Nigeria, select terrains that are plain with satisfactory shade and the dirt ought not be waterlogged.

It must be adjusted and it ought not be excessively dry, and furthermore it must not be acidic.

On the off chance that conceivable, the most attractive and prescribed sort of soil for snail cultivating is sandy-loamy or loamy soil with low water holding limit.

The motivation behind why you require a decent loamy soil for raising your snail is on account of snails determine calcium which is utilized for framing its shell from the dirt and it likewise gets its water from the dirt and lays its eggs on soil.

So in this way, Snails can't be raised on solid floors.

5) Snail cultivating lodging and utilizing of serious framework

In the event that you plan to develop and raise your snail in a snail pen, tank or drum and not on an open place or homestead, at that point you are still on point.

This strategy is profoundly suggested, on the grounds that you will keep a nearby watch on your snail and they likewise won't be capable slither away various way.

While building this pen, tank or drum, or even in trampolines, it can be high or low fenced.

For those of you who mean to build a high fenced pen, the dividers ought to be a midget divider with blocks of around 1.5m high manufactured surrounding it and it ought to have wire cloth at the best.

You should endeavor to counteract ants or bugs (who are snail's predators) by burrowing some trenches around the underneath or establishment of the fence and pour some motor oil on it; this will help in keep the social occasion of ants or bugs.

This same application goes for those developing low fenced pens.

On the off chance that you plan to develop a solid stunned snail pen; you should make the progress of the dirt with soil, (loamy soil) to give the snails a superior condition.

Note; it is better and exceedingly suggested that while developing your snail pen (house for your snail), you assemble a pen that has an exposed soil on the floor, and not bond it. Put crisp leaves or sodden the dirt to make the snail feeling at home.

(6) Selecting the correct breed and stocking for your snail cultivate.

Subsequent to developing your snail pen, now it's a great opportunity to stock your snail pens with snails.

While choosing or getting your snail, you should choose snails that are crisp; they ought to likewise have hard shells without harm, patches or hubs at first glance.

Additionally search for the ones that are sexually developed which weigh intensely.

There numerous types of nails in Nigeria. What's more, they are;

  • Zebra Nerite snail
  • Followed Nerite snail
  • Horned Nerite snail
  • Sulawesi snail
  • Lake snail
  • Apple snail

The best species are known as Achatina Fulica, Achatina and the Archachatina Marginata however to rear snail, it is better and very prescribed that you get the Achatina (otherwise called monster Ghana snail or mammoth tiger arrive snail.)

The motivation behind why it is suggested that you raise Achatina snail species is on the grounds that it is huge in nature, and most particularly, this snail can lay numerous eggs up to more than one thousand every year. This sort of huge proliferation is great snail cultivating business in Nigeria.

7) Feeding your snail.

Like I composed previously, raising snail or snail cultivating is extremely not exorbitant which is the reason it is a decent business to wander into, sustaining your snail is extremely not expensive in light of the fact that snail encourages on natural products, sweet potato, cassava tuber, soya bean, maize refuse, palm bit cake, angle supper, tomatoes, cocoyam, pawpaw organic products, cucumber and leaves, plantains, bananas, cabbage, lettuce leaves and guava natural products.

As should be obvious, snails are lighthearted creatures that are not by any stretch of the imagination particular of sustenances.

Simply ensure that whatever organic product or nourishment you are giving them is without salt that is, it has no salt.

8) Snail cultivating sound administration

Because we having been stating that snails don't fall debilitated to such an extent or that snails are anything but difficult to oversee does not mean you ought not deal with your snail.

There is much mortality in snail, as it is in other creature farming as well.

You should make sure to take satisfactory care of your snail.

Put as a top priority that it is your business and wellspring of pay and don't simply treat it at any rate.

Know when to give it nourishment. Sustain your snails consistently morning and night with drinking water and furthermore abstain from blending with salt, blending products of the soil takes off.

Continuously endeavor to every now and again clean the nourish and water dishes and give them great water. Additionally Earthworms added to the dirt help keep the pen clean

9) Snail cultivating generation and development.

Male and female snails treat each another, in the wake of mating which may take a few hours, they lay their eggs in melancholies under logs or pieces.

Despite the fact that they begin laying white eggs 8 a year when they are sexually develop, Snail eggs brings forth between 4 to a month and a half.

In the wake of bring forth, the child snail remains in the dirt for 2-5 days.

At that point the child ought to be placed in a different pen to give it accessible space to develop.

In addition, it normally takes up to 1½ to 2 years to develop to adulthood. A very much developed snail ought to have a thick, harder and if conceivable enormous overflow/shell.

10) Other issues on snail cultivating; incorporate conceivable vermin and maladies

You should pay special mind to conceivable irritation or malady that could hurt your snail. Parasites, nematodes, trematodes, organisms, and smaller scale arthropods can assault snails, and such issues can spread quickly when snail populaces are serious. Additionally pay special mind to and counteract rats, mice, moles, skunks, weasels, flying creatures, frogs, amphibians, reptiles and strolling creepy crawlies.

These are nuisances that could hurt your snail.

11) Harvesting your snail.

At the point when your snails are altogether developed, gather them for offering.

Try not to offer your snail when it isn't yet develop. It is fitting not to reap all the snail on the double this is it is essential in order to keep some to breed and to fill in as base stock for your snail cultivate.

12) Marketing your snail

Despite the fact that it is smarter to do this before collecting, test your snail to accessible purchasers who may be intrigued.

Market your snail to advertise ladies, lodgings, joints and furthermore eateries.

Be that as it may, before you do this, complete a statistical surveying to know how much snail cost in the market.

This will enable you to know the cost to which you will offer yours; so as not to offer over the ordinary cost or underneath the typical cost.


Snail Farming Diseases

This section was reserved till now because it could be boring.

Below are some of the diseases odd snails you may want to be familiar with.

We may write details on them later on this blog.

  • Operculum detoriation: holes, loss of operculum
  • Snail inactivity
  • Loss of tentacles or small tentacles
  • Hole in the shell
  • Thin and fragile shell
  • Body disformation
  • Detoriation of shell and operculum
  • Oedema
  • Discoloration in new shell
  • Intoxications
  • Rough shell surface in new shell parts
  • Reproduction problems
  • Irregular growth of the shell
  • Egg problem


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