How to Start Sheep Farming in Pakistan


In Pakistan, sheep farming and goat farming are a standout amongst the most gainful domesticated animals organizations that require low speculation (venture of roughly PKR 2 million). The proposed sheep ranch ought to be built up in sheep raising regions of nation where run touching is accessible. In Balochistan Southern, Northern and Central are reasonable territories to set up sheep cultivate. Real creation regions in Balochistan incorporate Kalat, Khuzdar, Kharan, Mastung, Noshki Mashkel, Sibi, Naseerabad, Jaffarabad, Kohlo, Dera Bugti, Killa Saifullah, Ziarat, Loralai, Zhob, Barkhan and Lasbela Districts.

Domesticated animals in Balochistan holds incredible potential towards adding to expanded wages of the ranchers. Development in yield has changed throughout the years, yet all in all has scarcely kept pace with populace development. In Balochistan, commitment of domesticated animals is evaluated to be 40% towards agribusiness. Animals is the principle wellspring of wage of over 75% of the general population possessing the farmland of Balochistan.

Target market ought to be where reproducing is being attempted and additionally real urban communities like Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Peshawar and so forth. Notwithstanding nearby markets there is a tremendous meat trade potential to Middle Eastern nations.

The sheep cultivate under thought will begin creation with 315 sheep (70% of aggregate limit). The homestead will accomplish most extreme limit of 405 sheep (90% of aggregate limit) in its seventh year. The point of confinement of 450 sheep has been forced on the homestead in light of the fact that a vast run would be hard to oversee. The homestead would center around raising of youthful stock for swelling and showcasing. Sheep from six to eight months of age will be obtained and exchanged in the market after a swelling time of 120 days.

Sheep Farming Procedure in Pakistan

Creatures chose for swelling ought to be from six to eight months of age. At this age the creature is weaned and begins eating green grain and grass. When contrasted with grown up sheep the day by day weight-pick up limit is additionally better at this age. Weight and age of all the chose creatures ought to likewise be comparative generally the bigger and more seasoned creatures would not let the littler creatures to eat encourage as indicated by their necessity. Chosen creatures ought not be wiped out, powerless or with physical handicaps.

Sheep Breed Selection for Farming in Pakistan

The ranchers ought not just choose great quality breed which can bring better outcomes for swelling yet additionally select most appropriate creatures from the chose breed. Through better administration, the weight pick up of these chose breeds would be higher. The most appropriate breeds for swelling incorporate Balochi, "Harnai" and "Bibrik" sheep. The rancher not just needs to choose the better breed which can bring comes about for swelling yet in addition need to choose most appropriate creatures from the chose breed. Through better administration, the weight pick up of these chose breeds would be higher. The creatures ought to be labeled on landing to the ranch. The data to be recorded incorporates breed, live weight, age and date of procurement and so on.

Balochi Sheep Breed


Balochi sheep is an extensive measured fat followed breed, found in Central, Southern and some South-western parts of the Balochistan. It is utilized for meat and drain. Coarse fleece is additionally gathered from it. Its downy is white with pigmented head and legs. Body weight of grown-up differs in the vicinity of 35 and 40 Kg, drain yield is between 40-50 kg in a time of around 125 days. The normal wool creation is 1.3 – 1.8 kg.

Bibrik Sheep Breed


It is a fat and short followed, lamb write sheep that is found in parts of Loralai Kohlu, Bugti, Barkhan, Musakhel and Sibi areas in Balochistan territory. It is a medium size breed. Body shading is white with dark or darker head. The fleece yield is around 1.7 kg. Normal grown-up live-weight is 27 kg.

Harnai Sheep Breed


Harnai is a fat tail, sheep/fleece write breed. It is found in parts of Loralai, Quetta, Sibi and Zhob areas in Balochistan. It is medium estimated with a white body coat and a dark or tan spotted head and ears. The fleece yield is 2.6 kg with medium fiber breadth. Its fleece is thick and substantial. Normal grown-up body weight is around 30-32 kg. The breed additionally delivers magnificent quality sheep.

Venture Required for Sheep Farming in Pakistan

Task cost appraise is Rs. 2.19 Million with settled venture of Rs. 1.29 Million and working capital Rs. 0.90 Million. Given the cost suspicions, IRR and payback are 46% and 3.10 years separately. Nitty gritty monetary examination can be considered in the sheep farming strategy for success in Pakistan by SMEDA.

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