Ley farming practising

Student like this ley farming system because
It's system alternates pasture cropping with crop production.

The pasture in the system of farming is usually a mixture of grass and legumes.

The main arable crop is usually a cereal(rice,millet e.t.c) and after this have been harvested the field is sown to pasture and grazed .

For one or two seasons before it is ploughed and used-for arable crops again.

Ley farming is therefore a planted fallow, followed by food cropping in which the field is left fallow for the season it is grown to pasture.

Many farmers who are unable to justify its economic value are therefore reluctant to include this in their crop rotation system.

And its a very good and nice system for farmers,i will employ you all to go for this and enjoy it .

Thank you

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