Austin Grossman, CROOKED

CrookedCrooked by Austin Grossman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nixon. The crook. Everybody Knows he was a disgrace to the leadership of the free world. Or was he?

What if "Tricky Dick" was all the time fighting in otherworldly struggles? What if the "Watergate mess" was a cover for something much more ghastly? What if Nixon was an ultradeep cover spy... and not even he could be sure who he was spying on, and for whom? What was Alger Hiss really afraid of? What was the secret of Patuxet farm?

If LOVECRAFT, H. P. collaborated with Allen Drury. they might have come up with this tale of things for which the world is not yet prepared. It grips the reader from beginning to end.

And the strange part is, I can believe this is really Nixon speaking... the one was "our Franklin Roosevelt"... the one who always know what the score REALLY was.

And it makes me wonder if Trump has made any attempts to access the SUBTERRANEAN White House.

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