In the Begining

The pungent smell of sanuki udon lingers in a small kominka on the outskirts of ShikokuIsland. A small lantern illuminates the tiny room with the accent glare coming from the four monitors which are aligned in a corner of the room. Here you notice two immense screens on both sides from the center crease of the corner and two smaller ones perched upon a narrow stand between them. Hanging from a cable, upon a hooked shelf in the center is a tiny camera which rotates from left to right and in a downward motion. Underneath the camera’s view is a six-foot-long corner desk which is a host to four computer keyboards, a laptop, headset with an attached microphone and a sizeable tower in the center of it all; a setup for any die-hard gamer, however this was not a gaming set up.

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The rapping sound of several keys on the board can be heard in the background. Sitting in front of those keys you see the frame of a slender female with red and black hair which is tied up into pig tails. Concentrating thoroughly upon each monitor, she switches back and forth between keyboards. This continues for several minutes, as a distinguished sound whales from the cell phone resting beside her. The number is not shown; however, the woman knows who is calling.

“It is nearly complete.” She voiced to the caller. “Brandon Dennis has now entered the terminal. All files concerning Yakuza will have full access and priority under this ID.” She leans back in her chair, admiring her work.


“I understand Mrs. Hurst, you should have no problems after this. All is going according to plan. I have signed the contract for Ultimate Wrestling as you have requested.” With a long pause, leaning straight up in her seat, the woman has a concerned look upon her face. “A gift? A package?” She stands from her desk looking cautiously out the screened window. “A partner? Excuse me, Mrs. Hurst, but I thought…” she paused, “Yes, I understand, If Cassandra approved of this, I would accept…” she is immediately cut off in mid-sentence by the caller on the other end. “Yes, ma’am, I am grateful and accept your help.” She mumbles obscenities quietly to herself. “Good day, ma’am…when should I expec….” The call ends, and you see the woman pound her fists to the top of the desk.

“I have never needed help, I work alone, I can stand on my own; why must they underestimate me?” The woman repels away from the desk and stands to her feet. She walks to a small mirror that hangs above the sink in the restroom. She stares at her reflection for several moments wondering what others see that she does not. She has been a loner, royalty that has never needed assistance, a master in her training and an undeniable force to be reckoned with. Why would the Hurst family see things differently?

Walking along the dirt road while the light rain falls, a young man is seen alone. He pulls a piece of paper from his jacket pocket, reads and looks around. “Hmm.. This seems to be the right path. He said she lived around here somewhere.” As he stands, you hear his phone ring. He taps the side of his ear and answers. “Mr. Hurst, how are doing to today Cuz? Damn, sorry I remember you told me not to call you that sir. What can I do for you sir?.....Yes sir, I am on her street now. Colton told me what I am supposed to do here. …. Yes sir, I have joined that wrestling place…..Yes sir, I need to watch her and make sure nothing bad happens to her….. Yes sir, anything for the family….. OK, talk to you later Cuz.” He hangs up and a smile forms across his face.

He walks for a little bit longer and stands in front of a small house, he looks at the paper again and continues to walk around to the back of the building. He comes to the backdoor and reaches into his pocket pulling out a set of lockpicks and opens the door. He walks in and starts looking around. “Damn, this is nice; she really is someone important. I am sure she is not as mean as Colton says.” He walks through the house and into the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator, looks around and smiles. He grabs a beer and sits down on the couch. Looking at the beer he utters. “Well at least she took after the family a little. I wonder if Cassie sent her this. “Looking down upon the can in his hand. “Light beer? At least it is cold.” He leans back on the couch and puts his feet up on the coffee table and closes his eyes.


She begins her travels through the secluded path of trees; a dirt path sporadically aligned with cherry blossoms. With miles of grass covered mountains, she continues her walk. She carries an antique Katna sword, handed down from her mother's grandfather over her left shoulder and a shinai over her right. Walking along her path, she can hear a rumble amongst the brush. Cautiously she moves, reaching to her left shoulder. She lowers her frame, stealthy to her adversary. She continues her path slowly, never blinking an eye. The rumble gets closer, she stops ready with sword intact; when out from the brush, a red-black vole appears at her feet.

"Spiny little creature." She retracts her blade and kicks the vole to the side. She reaches the path to her kominkan; however, she notices a trail of unwelcome footprints. She began her stride to the back of the home; the tracks had noticeably disappeared. Reaching once more to the left side of her shoulder, she retrieves her sword. Without hesitation, she kicks the already opened door to find a young man sitting upon the sofa with a drink in his hand. The impact from her foot startled the young man sitting on the couch. His startled reaction led him to the blunt end of her blade, which was now pressed firmly under his chin.

"Who are you? Who do you work for? What are you doing in my home? You have 3 seconds to answer my questions before your head becomes a mount on my wall." It takes a second and the young man looks at the girl and smiles. "Ease up Cuz, Colton said you were kind of a serious person. They sent me to help you out. Sit down and take a load off. Being that uptight must be tiring."

The man gets up and walks to the fridge and grabs a beer for the girl. He pops the top and hands it to her. "Ease up Cuz?” Cautiously, she begins to retract her blade and slaps the beer from the male's hand. She walks to a nearby table unstrapping her backpack having it fall on the top of the platform. "Colton? as in Colton Hurst? You must be my so-called partner. She walks over to him, kicking the can out of view. "Let's get one thing straight, I did not ask for you, and I certainly do not need you. I am only having to put up with you, to finish my job, is that clear?" She steps closer to him, glaring up into his dark eyes with no expression whatsoever on her face.

The young man smiles and looks at her. "You can call me Hara." He reaches out and pulls her in for a friendly hug. "You and I are going to have some fun here. Cassie sends her best. Cheer up Cuz, this going to be so cool." He holds the hug as he slides something into her backpack.

"GET OFF ME, YOU FOOL!" She shoves back, glaring sternly at him. "Hara, is it?" She takes another step back. "Well Hara, now that’s 2 out of the 3 questions that were answered, I will only ask this once more, what are you doing in my home?" Hara sits back down on the couch and continues to drink his beer. He pats the cushion next to him inviting her to sit down. "Relax Cuz. Everything is okay. Mr. Hurst sent me here to help you out. You know just another set of eyes. Colton told me where you lived so we could meet. Cassie said you lived alone and would probably love some company. So, I can just crash here on this couch, it is so comfy." He smiles at her as he takes another drink.

With a sigh, and a finger rub to the forehead, she sighs and plumets down upon the only seat left in the room. She glares sternly over to him with her back against the arm of the couch. "First of all, my name is not Cuz, it is Kami. Second, what makes you think I would allow you to stay here at my place to begin with?" She lifts an eyebrow while glaring at him. "I live alone for a reason."

Hara looks at her and leans a bit towards her. "Well, it seems to me that Cassie said that because you needed a friend. As for living here, that was just their idea not mine. I can just crash in the backyard. I can sleep anywhere." He leans back and takes a drink. "Mrs. Hurst said you were the smart one and I am here to make sure you can keep doing what you’re doing without hassle. Nothing and nobody need to bother you. I was also told we were going to be wrestling together as a team. I guess there are some people there we need to watch."

A crooked smile forms along her lips as she leans into Hara's face. His eyes begin to slowly close as if thinking they were about to kiss. "Smart one huh? Indeed I am. In need of a friend however, I am not." She pulls away slowly, never taking an eye off Hara's unexpecting face. "Be as it may, you are here, and I have to accept that. But get in my way partner, and I will have no qualms over hurting you. My..." she pauses, "Our focus is the Yakuza and what they are trying to do. The Hurst family wants progress reports on their activities here in Japan. I don't care about their reasons; I am only doing a job they asked of me."

Hara lets out a sigh and smiles. "Seems you have learned a few things from Mrs. Hurst." He stands up, looking out the window. "It seems the rain has stopped. I don't know how you got picked for this little job they want you to do, but know this, I will not let anything stop you. I owe the family too much to let them down. You don't have to like me Cuz, but just know I got your back. " Hara walks to the back door and steps out. He looks around and finds a folding lounge chair, sets it up on the wooden deck and lies down on it. "Better than sleeping under the bridge."

Kami takes a stand, walking toward the screen porch she stares as she listens to Hara. "There is something about that guy." She continues to glare, watching as he tosses and turns trying to find just the right spot on the lounger. She slowly backs away, walking into a small area that is only separated by a folding screen door. She reaches inside a small wooden container, retrieving a blanket and a small round cushion. "I can't believe I'm going to do this." She walks back to the porch, tosses both items upon Hara's body as he jumps, startled upon impact. He then looks up to see Kami standing over him. "Listen, Hara, it's not that I don't like you; I don't know you, and I don't trust you. I don't...I can't trust anyone in my line of work, but if the Hurst family trusts you, then I must. Come inside, you can sleep on the couch." Kami steps away and goes back inside. She steps into the room and slowly slides the folding door separating the two rooms. Hara slowly walks in, setting up the sofa for him to rest upon, he looks over to the screen that separates the two rooms as its mostly transparent and watches Kami undress for bed.

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