Book 1 - Chapter 4 - Creation of the Elemental Kingdoms

Matria awoke with a start and saw The Sky above her trembling in fear as large flaming stones pelted it as it tried desperately to protect Matria’s world. Rousing quickly she rose and cradled Arkanda in her arms, protecting her creation from harm.

The Primes gasped and stopped their assault so horrified were they at their actions but one blow passed by both Matria and Arkanda and landed heavily upon the world below. A great shaking held the world in its grip, breaking mountains and splitting the great sea in two.

Rushing to the world, the Primes sought to quickly soothe the wounded land and set aright what they had wantonly and unwittingly broken. The work was finished quickly and the Primes returned to Matria’s feet, prostrate and begging for her forgiveness that they may rejoin her in the world below and that things may return to what once they were.

Matria spoke softly to Arkanda and bade him return to his seat above the world and to once again cover it with his protective embrace. The Sky returned to the world and the tumult below began to soothe and soften.

Turning back to her long forgotten creations, Matria gathered them to her breast and wept tears of joy at their return. Each in turn she inspected and caressed, soothing their wounded hearts and mending their wounded souls. But there was a new energy within them, a power most ancient that she knew as well as she knew herself.

But Helix’s power had changed her former children; it had made them more than when they’d come to be. As such they held a place no longer within her world and their power was so great that their very presence would reshape and twist the world beyond measure.

It was with a sorrowful countenance that Matria related this to the Primes, and they knew sadness. The brief glimpse of the world moments ago told them of all they would now miss, of all they could never experience. Their lament moved Matria and brought her to carve from the void four thrones upon which the Primes could sit.

Each throne became a world in its own right, but not worlds as was the one beneath her feet. These were at once connected and apart from the world, Matria saw to the comfort of each Prime and gave them dominion over each realm unto themselves.

The realms of the Primes sat beneath the fabric of the void, even Matria would not have seen them were it not for her knowledge of where the entrances were. As she turned to leave, the voices of the Primes spoke of apologies and laments and sadness at losing the right to walk amongst the world they so loved with the Mother they so cared for.

Matria, saddened though she was, continued back to her world and to survey and soothe the damage wrought by the Primes.

Once all was returned to its former ways, Matria sought out the birds and animals and trees harmed by the Folly of the Primes. What she found amused her as much as cast sadness about her.

Some of the animals were gone, removed entirely from beneath her gaze. Others were changed irrevocably while still others were new and wonderful. And again Matria rejoiced among the newness of the world.

And for a time, Matria was happy.

Helix brought himself back to the world and found no sign of the Primes, though he felt them near. The world was now wreathed in a cloak of blue held by a figure in a great throne. Anger creased Helix’s brow as he sought out the Primes to ask them of this new figure who so watched and covered his gift to Matria.

But there was no sign of the Primes. Helix felt the shards of himself nearby and scoured the void to find them. It was then he felt something beneath the void, small worlds hidden within the very folds of the void itself.

With mighty hand he reached beneath the void and pulled the four Primes out and stood them before him. Helix thundered and roared that they should so lightly shirk their duties.

The Primes returned his anger with furies of their own as they explained how the sky had barred them entry to the world. Then they went on to speak of Matria’s decree that they should no longer be a part of the world below. Despite the fury in Helix’s heart, he heard the sadness with which the Primes spoke and thought quickly of what to do.

With mighty hands, Helix took hold of the Kingdoms of Flame, Wave, Wind and Stone and pulled them from beneath the folds of the void and began to pluck threads from within each. With much force and fury he wove the threads through the fabric of the world and tied the Kingdoms of the Elements to it.

The Primes saw what Helix was doing and returned to their kingdoms to find that they could see and feel the life of their former world. In small amounts they could even touch, taste and hear it as well. Most importantly, they once again saw their beloved Mother and beckoned to her to embrace them once more.

Matria heard the call of the Primes through the woven threads of their kingdoms and turned to gaze upon what had been done and undone. She smiled for it was a thing she had not though to fashion. She felt the touch of Helix in this work and smiled for it was a touch she had not known in some time.

She stepped from the world to see Helix’s furious weavings and placed her hands atop his to slow and soothe his rages. Together, they wove the four worlds of the Primes atop and beneath the world she loved so much, making them such a part of it that they could never again be apart from it.

Matria touched lightly her hand upon Helix’s face and bade him calm and soothe his rages. Helix placed his strong hand atop hers and stepped back to survey what next Matria would do.

Placing her hands upon the fabric of the void, she smoothed the wrinkles and tears and placed the Kingdoms of the Primes back beneath what was that they could remain separate and keep the world safe. But from the kingdoms she traced the lines and pathways that led from kingdom to kingdom and kingdom to world.

And Helix saw what she had done and was satisfied that the Primes could watch and keep safe his beloved. And so he once again withdrew to the depths of the void, confident that all was well and that his beloved was content.

In case you missed it, read Book 1 Chapter 1 here ->

In case you missed it, read Book 1 Chapter 2 here ->

In case you missed it, read Book 1 Chapter 3 here ->

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