Book 1 - Chapter 1 - The Gleaning of the Elements

In the time before times when the first threads of reality had yet to wind themselves into the world we know now, there was naught but the Void in which sat the lone lamenting figure of a woman. She floated without movement or expression, twisting through the empty chaos that enveloped her. Hers was a lament born of boredom for she had explored and unravelled the secrets of existence and naught was unknown to her.
She was Matria, the Great Mother.

Somewhere beyond the turmoil of the Void was another figure, a being who sat apart, watching as Matria spun and twisted through the darkness. Inside this figure raged an eternal war; a battle between his destructive nature and the love that welled within him when he watched Matria.
He was Helix, the All Father.

The sight of his beloved in such a state of apathy tore at Helix’s heart. The pain within him drove him to rage as he smashed his way through the Void, breaking the very fabric of what was and leaving the blackness changed. He saw splinters of things he’d never seen before.

Some of the fragments burned brightly in the darkness, sending beams of light through the Void. Other fragments sent cool shivers across his fingers; still others formed to his hands and slid between his feet, trailing behind him in orbs that refracted the new light, fracturing it into cascades of color.

Enraptured with the fragments, Helix moved through them to see more of what he’d done. As he moved there were other fragments that crashed against him; these pieces were solid and brought pain as they slammed and ground against him. Another fit of rage welled up as he brought his great hands together to crush these painful things.

Along with the solid pieces, Helix had swept up some of each of the other fragments and forced them all together and into something wholly new. Gone were the individual fragments and in their place was a spinning ball that hung within the void. Flashes of light issued forth from the ball amidst a rapidly calming maelstrom comprised of the four groups of fragments.

As the maelstrom settled, Helix gazed down at what he had caused and lamented. He had certainly caused something new but this mundane thing would never be worthy of his beloved Matria. With a furious swipe of his hand he pushed the ball aside and returned to his rages as he tore his way through the chaos of the Void.

Matria was forlorn. Nothing of interest had happened in aeons and she was beyond hope of having anything new to see or feel or learn. It was these thoughts that assailed her when something brushed her fair skin. Startled she turned to gaze upon something she had never before seen. A ball of tightly packed fragments of chaos sat before her, resting just beyond her reach.

Curious she moved closer and closer still until she stood upon the fragments themselves and wondered at the newness of it all. Tall piles of fragments that were more solid than anything she had ever felt rose above her; seething masses of cool fragments gathered about her feet and the bases of the solid ones. Wispy and soft fragments brushed her hair out behind her and occasionally a burst of light would emanate from somewhere within the darkened mass. It was all so wonderful and she marveled at them all.

But Matria did not know what these fragments were nor why they had come to be. Puzzled she drew back and gazed long at them all. Selecting the largest fragments she could find, one of each type, Matria named them and so they lived:

Shithnae, Lady of the Wind, Mistress of the Air.
Kalakne, Lady of the Waves, Mistress of Water.
Taeron, Lord of the Stones, Master of Earth.
Ignos, Lord of the Flames, Master of Fire.

The Lords of the Elements were pleased to have been thusly named and began to speak of themselves as Matria listened to their words.

I will soothe those warmed by Ignos’ heat and cool Taeron as he rests, Shithnae said,and Kalakne will be roused by my anger. Matria smiled and blessed Shithnae with grace and foresight.

I will wash Taeron as he sleeps and will quench Ignos’ anger, Kalakne said, and I will rise with Shithnae if she is alone and empty. Matria smiled and blessed Kalakne with emotion and strength.

I will hold Shithnae close as she moves and will guide Kalakne in her travels, Taeron said, and Ignos will be restrained by my embrace. Matria smiled and blessed Taeron with stability and power.

I will cause Kalakne to seethe in her footsteps and Shithnae will bow to my ferocity, Ignos said, and Taeron will make my heat take shape. Matria smiled and blessed Ignos with tenacity and creativity.

The four prime elementals, as they would become known, began to teach Matria of the Elements and their uses. It was a time of great learning and Matria was again joyous and revelled in the newness of these creatures. Matria learned of warmth and comfort, coolness and safety; she learned how each of the elements can react with another to create even newer and more wonderful things. Mist, mud, magma and steam were but some of these newfound wonders.

And for a time, Matria was content.

**This week we will be releasing the first Book of the Ancient Draconic Creation Mythos for Arcaylia.

Also we have been asked to do a few articles on how to set up and run a D&D campaign. To that end, we will be coming out with some of these over time as well.**

Book 1 Chapter 2 ->

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