Greetings, and welcome to my blog. Here we are.

ENG: Greetings and thank you for reading me. I'm Skamiroth and here is my story about a draconian entity known as "Mirra Kerzdath":

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About me: Since a very long time I wished to create worlds and tell stories. I had the chance to learn 3d and I just finished my courses. So I’m quite a newbie about this. Also English it’s not my native language, so, please, excuse any typo and grammatical error I might do. (Corrections are welcome).

I learned some stuff about the world that we can’t see with our eyes. The so called “supernatural” world.
Also I love dragons and reptilians. And I created an entity. An anthro draconian female entity. I’m not sure if she is a tulpa, but I want to try it out. She is Mirra Kerzdath. And I intend to bring her to life. At least throughout the 3d world:

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I spend a couple of months in creating her. And I still have a lot of things to learn. I try to “ask” things and I try to “feel” her. Think of her as a product of my imagination, like a story. And just enjoy her story.
Mind you, As now (19th November 2019) I have a very ancient computer to bring her to life; a Phenom II X3 (manufactured 10 years ago) with 12 gb of ram. And virtually no other income atm. So I decided to try Steemit for this. The more money I do, the more posts I can do. And thus, the more “communication” I can make with Mirra, which translates in more renders (and even animations) which you can enjoy.

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