Kalavian Tales Tabletop Edition: Synopsis of Session 2

Synopsis Session 2:

Waterwheel Inn

  • The Sork Sorcerer Parton Haga lost her baby Toddis, and Armaga once more hires the party to resolve the matter for 50 crystals.
  • The party heads to Parton’s room on the third floor to look for traces of him.
  • They find that most things are untouched, but Validirim does find a peculiar yellow and red ring, one that looks particularly expensive.


  • Valdirim and Kyra proceed to the attic, which contains a range of torture equipment and search there. Valdirim notices that some of the equipment has been heavily used by the Companion Kepa.
  • Kyra notices that one of the graves in the garden has collapsed, and heads down.
  • Valdirim searches the room below Parton’s room, which is rented by the Sindanian Envoy Pavi Silverstorm. Once there, he discovers diplomatic cables, which contain observational reports about the search for Belovian Weapon transports in the city.
  • Once everyone is downstairs, they head to the grave in the garden.


Waterwheel Inn Garden

  • The party discovers that the grave of Gaston de Bottelier, the recently deceased father of Baston, has collapsed. It leaves a deep hole.
  • The party goes down the hole, which seems more primitive than the one explored last session. * After fumbling around with lighting, they do eventually spot signs of a dragged corpse.

The Leaf District Sewers

  • The party follows the track, and eventually encounter Tarmac Antillez, the long-lost uncle of Hugo.
  • Tarmac immediately spots Kyra and Hugo, and assesses himself capable of beating those two.
  • Valdirim tries to sneak attack him, but fails to do so and open combat ensues.
  • Kyra blasts Tarmac to the verge of death with a gigantic channeled fireball, which also takes the toll on her own body.
  • Tarmac surrenders and drops his daggers, but then lashes out at Kyra with a third dagger once she comes close. Kyra sustains a huge wound on her face, and passes out.
  • Hugo then enters a parlay with Tarmac and Tarmac surrenders altogether.

Waterwheel Inn

  • Kyra is severely weakened, and recuperates slightly by taking an ointment from the nearby hospital.
  • Hugo and Valdirim bring Tarmac Antillez to the attic, and begin to interrogate him.


  • After efforts, Tarmac admits to having been paid by Hisram, but Hugo believes there is more to it.
  • After an extended interrogation effort, where Kyra also returned and contributed with Channeling magic, Tarmac caves in and strikes a deal.
  • One of his two death emblems gets passed to Hugo, making him a member of the Assassin’s Guild. Meanwhile, he also hands in his three daggers, and the party releases him.
  • When the party returns to the attic after a brief pause, Tarmac has disappeared as agreed, and left a note as agreed. The note says “EXOLOM”, the name of a powerful grower who has not been seen in Red Delta in the last decade.
  • Part of the agreement is that Tarmac leaves Red Delta, surrenders his three daggers, and no longer associates himself with that branch of the Assassin’s Guild.
  • The party is unsure how to proceed, but at least they know the Assassin’s Guild is involved, and they now have a member of that organisation amidst themselves.

Note: during this session, all of the players registered themselves for a Hive account. So who knows: perhaps you'll hear directly from them someday 🤠.
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