City Overview: Red Delta

waterwheel tavern.jpg

(This post serves as a background highlight for the people who will play the second tabletop campaign session for Kalavian Tales. My hope is that many more sessions may follow!)

Red Delta was found in 48348. It is a Principality or City State that forms the nexus of the Sorcery and Channeling communities in Dyjalom. It thrives on innovation, arcane arts, diplomacy and trade, and is well known for its diverse schools of magic. Red Delta is ruled by an Archonite Prince named Arkanax, who has shown to be the most powerful Channeler/Sorcerer in the nation. The ruler sometimes transforms into a Red Dragon, which is also the official symbol of Red Delta.

Arkanax cares most about the arcane arts, and has little interest in day-to-day rulership affairs. Instead, most matters are handled by the Red Senate, which consists of 45 representatives; five each from the city’s 8 districts and five more from the outlands.

Physical description:

red delta.jpg

Residing on the coast of the Amethyst Sea, Red Delta stands out as a major city with many slender towers and a range of buildings with exotic architectures. It resides at the mouth of the Red River, which is named as such because the water in it periodically turns red for still unknown reasons.

Red Delta is protected with a Red Stone wall, but there are notable buildings of different colours as well. For instance the Guild of Ice resides in a gigantic light blue tower, while the Guild of Fibre resides in a yellow tower and the Guild of Thunder in a purple tower.

Red Delta has a population of roughly 78,050. The majority are human, although there is a substantial Feline, Marine and Flere minority present as well. There is also a small group of Archonites nobility within the city.

Notable Organisations:
  • Guild of Ice
  • Guild of Fire
  • Guild of Thunder
  • Guild of Fibre
  • The Deltic Bank
    • An influential global bank, owned by Archonites including Arkanax. Rastanna, the Lady of Coin, has a major role within this bank.
  • The Deltic Purse
    • A bank oriented towards more common needs, backed by the Good Shipment Company.
  • The Good Shipment Company is a trader’s guild with clear-cut ideals of profit sharing and mutual protection. However, it is rife with internal strive.
  • The Red Delta Explorer’s Guild is a local branch of the Explorer’s Guild, which supports adventurers, archaeologists, bounty hunters, treasure hunters and monsterologists.
  • The Amethyst Express is a self-driven magical train services that connects Red Delta with Stoneport and Pearl. It has a Station in the Limestone district.
  • The Deltic Star is a magical portal network that connects Red Delta with many other locations. It is located in the Topaz district.
Highlight: The Waterwheel Tavern and Inn

The Waterwheel Tavern and Inn is the city's largest inn, and a major gathering point for its populace. It consists of many sections, and the citizens of Red Delta use the place for entertainment, negotiation, debauchery and companionship. Here, the practice of any arcane arts is strictly forbidden due to the presence of a Seal of Mundanity, which generally makes it safer than most other taverns. The Waterwheel is run by Armaga, a wealthy Feline who has recently acquired the establishment, rescuing it from bankruptcy. In addition, they have a resident thespian, Baston, as well as a number of traders (e.g. Alastara for trinkets, Bentham for books, Iridine for relics and Saul for drinks).

The Waterwheel resides within the Leaf District, which contains Red Delta's Central garden and which is the only district that is magically protected from Chanelling damage.

Baston the Thespian

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