The Girl Who Could Talk To Fearies

“Unicorns have never existed because man simply never asked”


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Chapter 2

Shi’hera ran down a small trail on her way to the neighboring camp. The trail was dark because of hundreds of towering trees blocking out the sunlight. Even though the trail was dark Shi‘hera kept on running, with a big smile on her face; she didn‘t seem to care about the darkness.

Shi‘hera came from England with her parents in 2017 when she was 4 years of age. When Prince Jackson heard of her abilities he shipped her and her family on the first freight boat. Why a freight boat you say? This was only a freight boat by sight. Underneath the boat was 2 more levels; oh, but that is another story, right now we must get back to Shi‘hera‘s journey through the darkened forest.

Shi’hera was now further along the trail, far enough to where she could not see the entrance in which she came. Just then she stopped… “What was that” she thought to herself. I hope, I hope; oh I’d betta not think terrable things or, or.

Just then a big bush moved in the distance to her right. “Oh” she said out loud, “who is theya?” The bush rustled again; then the bush next to that one rustled. Whatever was in the bush had to be big because the bush was at least 8 feet tall and the whole bush rustled all the way to the top. Laguna forest was full of wild animals. Though most of them were tamed, there were some older generation of animals that did not get to experience human affection. There were talks about a huge family of elder Cougars that were more vicious than a pit-bull from 45th street.

“I really hope you are not a Couga” Shi’hera said with a shaky voice. Shi’hera looked behind her to see the path going forever, little beams of sunlight lit parts of the trail. Leaves were falling here and there but in the distance the entrance was gone, the path disappeared.

“Oh!” the sound of rustling came again but it did not come from the same bush. The rustling was much louder this time and it came from, from, Shi’hera looked around… IT CAME FROM A BUSH RIGHT NEXT TO HER! Right after the rustling sound came a deep growl. But this couldn’t be the growl from a Cougar because Cougar’s are only 4 feet tall and this growl came from the top of the bush; about 7-8 feet from the ground; and it was very deep!

“Ah” Shi’hera ran without thinking. Here little white gown blew in the wind and she kept her face forward, hoping that the light at the end of the forest came soon. Just then, the beast ran from bush to bush, Shi’hera was too scared to see what the beast was.

She can now hear the heavy stomping of the beast, “It must be four hundred pounds” she thought to herself. She continued to run, falling leaves hitting her in the face here and there. She passed an occasional butterfly, she jumped over an occasional rock. The bushes to her right were shaking aggressively as the beast ran in them. Shi’hera took a quick glimpse to her right and caught view of the beast’s foot! The foot looked like claws from a giant Eagle. The stomping continued, the bushes kept rumbling with the sounds of branches breaking.

Shi’hera’s face grew red with fear then she closed her eyes and opened them wide. She then yelled, “My friends, my friends, let tha dragonfly show me who you really are!” Oh Ziare, help me please.” Shi’hera kept running, slightly slowing down from running out of breath, but the beast kept running, shaking every bush near her and grunting.

“My friends, my friends, let the Dragonflies of this forest bring you forth now!” Just then in the distance a bright light came down through the tree tops. The light was golden with big flakes of different, beautiful colors: orange flakes, yellow flakes, light blue flakes, pink flakes, purple flakes, it was astounding! Then golden sparkles came down that looked like glitter. “Oh, my friends help me!”

Shi’hera was only 30 feet from the bright light. So she ran even faster, the beast growled and ran right besides her, still hidden in the bushes, but catching up to the little girl fast!

Shi’hera was only 5 feet from the huge array of light and rainbow flakes. She did not want to stop, she ran right through the golden light. She was only able to get a glimpse of the rainbow light because she was so afraid of the beast chasing her. But what she did see in the glow, were little flying insects, with four wings: some were orange, some were purple, some were blue. The flakes she saw from a distance were beautifully colored Dragonflies, dozens of them.


A few of the Dragonflies had only two wings and, and LEGS! No, not buggy legs; but HUMAN LEGS!

Shi’hera continued to run, but now a tiny smirk was growing upon her face, then the smirk turned into a smile, the same smile she had when she entered the dark forest.

Why would a 6 year old little girl be smiling when a 8 foot beast was chasing her and ready to kill? The heavy stomping continued, Shi’hera kept running, slowing again from fatigue. Then she heard the sound of a hundred Dragonflies. They caught up with her and they were so loud that she could barely hear the vicious running claws of the beast chasing her.

Now the golden light was all around Shi’hera, she calmed down a bit; but she continued to run. She was now jogging: “Friends, I cannot run any further, please help me.” Just then Shi’hera looked to her left to see a Faerie right next to her face! Yes, you heard me right; a Faerie! The Faerie was purple: light purple skin that looked like the texture of a rose stem. She was a she: little eyes that were shaped like a cat, little eyeballs, long eyelashes that were dark purple, 5 toes on each foot, little hands and arms, a little Faerie outfit (dark purple) that looked like it was made from rose petals.

The Faerie fluttered along side of Shi’hera and smiled as if to say, “Do not worry.” Now Shi’hera was surrounded by these little lady Faeries: orange, green, blue etc.

The little girl continued to jog, but even slower now. Then the Faeries left her, they turned around I guess to head towards the beast (I hope).

“Oh, I’d betta run now.” Ahead Shi’hera could see the light at the end of the path. Just then she noticed something… The sound of the beast stopped, he was not chasing her anymore. What did the Faeries do? So she stopped and looked behind her. She saw the golden/rainbow light of Faeries in the middle of the path. But she noticed something else: There was a huge beast sitting down in the middle of the path. It was like, like, like he was talking to the Faeries!

Shi’hera squinted her eyes to look even closer. Yes, the creature was sitting down talking to all the Faeries. “Whot?” Shi’hera said to herself in shock. She then started taking small steps back toward the golden light and the large brown beast sitting down.

As she got closer, the beast got clearer and clearer: He was huge from the back, lots of muscles AND WINGS! Oh, he had wings! The Faeries continued to flutter around the great beast, they seemed not to be afraid of the beast. It’s like they knew the beast or something.

“He is bigger than Prophet Ziare” she thought to herself. She took a few more steps closer, she turned her head towards the light and saw that the end of the tunnel was no longer close. “Oh my, that thing would surelay cotch me if I ran.” Shi’hera was about 40 steps from the beast now, she could see his big, sharp claws. She took a few more steps, then a few more small steps.


“Aaaah!” Shi’hera screamed at the top of her lungs. All she saw was the teeth of the beast, big pointy ears like a bat. The beast looked like some sort of statue that you see on olden day churches. Shi’hera turned to run but a blue Faerie hovered right in front of her face. The Faerie put up her hands as if to say “Stop”. Shi’hera stopped screaming and calmed down. The Faerie put it’s finger next to her own lip as if to tell Shi’hera to quiet. Then the Faerie pointed behind Shi’hera.

Shi’hera felt a cold shadow right behind her. She knew the beast was standing right behind her. She then closed her eyes as if to wait for the great beast to slice her in half with his claws. But nothing happened. She then opened her eyes and slowly turned around. Behind her stood a huge manlike beast that stood at least 8 feet high, slanted eyes that glowed of white light, claws like an Eagle on his hands and feet, big pointy ears like a bat. She then fell to the ground and covered her head. The beast just looked down at here and tilted his head back and forth like a curious puppy.

As Shi’hera was hiding her head a red Faery squeezed into her arm and sat right in front of her face. The Faery did the same thing that the blue Faerie did: she pointed towards the beast. So Shi’hera lifted her head slowly, to look at the beast once more.

When she looked, the beast was having a conversation with the rest of the Faeries. He sounded like a playful Lion and the Faeries sounded like 1 inch Elephants blowing their trunks:

Faery: Wee nneee youssseeee

Besst: Growwwpuleeee youssseeee

Faery: Youssseeee oooeepeeee?

Beast: Sup! Sup oooeepeeee!

Faery: Yoweeee yoweeeee (like she was saying the beast would get into trouble)

Beast: Sup oooeepeeee (like he was sad)

The beast then looked at Shi’hera and smiled. Just then the sound of horse hooves echoed in the distance. “Shi’hera!? Shi’hera!?” It was the voice of Ziare. When the beast heard Ziare, he fled back into the dark forest, beyond the shrubs and bushes. The Faeries did the same.

Copyright © 2009 Keepers of the 2012 World: (The Dragon Schlytha Trials) . All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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