Chapter Three: Dragons Don't Like Being Pets

“Humans are thoughtless, heartless creatures that don’t know the very meaning of their own existence”


1328 bc

Chapter 3

The campfire of discussion is where everyone meets to talk, chat and of course discuss. The children were intrigued by a conversation about Dragons.

The conversation was of course started by the 4 year old Shi’hera (master of fantasy thinking and teacher of how to bring imagination to life). But tonight she wanted to share her story about one day owning a pet Dragon:

“One doy I will own a pet Dragon” Shi’hera said innocently with a deep, sort lost look in her eyes. Shi’hera can manifest just about anything from her imagination. She can make fireflies appear in her dorm room, she can manifest clouds in shapes of creatures and she even manifested a live Faery once! But a Dragon is the only thing she cannot bring from her imagination, into our world. She can change a cloud into a Dragon, but she cannot seem to manifest a real Dragon. Many believe it is from an incident that happened last year when Shi’hera woke up one night to see a live Dragon staring into her room through the window. It scared her so much that her mind now is too afraid to imagine a Dragon in such dept; her imagination just will not allow it. But she does know she would like to have one as a pet.

“You cannot have a pet Dragon” exclaimed Adom (a kid who was raised by trees); we will get to his story another time. Adom continued to explain, “You know that we can only have pets whom wish to be our pets. And Dragons do not want to be pets to humans; they don’t even like humans. The same reason Immortal Ziare does not like humans, right Immortal Ziare?”

Just when Adom said that a man draped with a black silk cape whom was sitting by the camp fire nodded and said, “I do not dislike all mortals, but I do have quite a bitterness for men in general.” He continued to say: “How can one like such beings who hunt and kill animals, lie, cheat and do despicable evil things to women; though I have seen some evil women in my time.

“See Shi’hera, you couldn’t possibly own a Dragon as a pet” continued Adom. I was raised by trees and still can only manage to get a caterpillar and a few spiders to be my pets.

Just then a girl dressed in a black robe with the hood covering half of her face spoke: “Did you say your name was Adom, and you were raised by trees?” Adom answered, “Yes I did.” “Then you are him” raising her hood just enough to uncover her Malachite eyes. Her eyes were crystal green with lighter green stripes going through her pupils. “You are the son of Adam and Eve?”

“What are you talking about Tizzy?” Adom quickly questioned. The little girl continued, “Well you know, through your DNA you are the son of Adam and Eve! I’ve heard of you; wow, to be raised by trees…” Adom then curiously looked at Ziare: “What is she talking about Prophet Ziare?” “Well she is Tizzy” Ziare calmly said in a joking voice. “I think it is time for you to know your truth Adom.” “What truth?” Adom said almost sounding worried. “But the story of Adam and Eve is simply a myth, gone with the myths of westernized religion!” He continued: “How can I be such an offspring when the story is just a myth?”

“Indeed that story is a myth” Ziare said. “BUT, that is only myth because men like Constantine told the story how HE wished for it to be told. Surely the world did not begin only 6021 years ago. Europe maybe; but not human life and the life of this planet” (turning to Shi’hera and nodding his head).

Ziare continued: “But there was an Adam and Eve type couple some 6000 years ago in Europe.” A surprise, disgusted look came upon Adom’s face, then Ziare interrupted his look with another truth: “But you are not from that family; you are from the original family of Africa.” “Shall we just say the Adam and Eve of Africa: Odosxa ordee Evy.”

“So tell me this truth about my past life Prophet Ziare” Adom said with worry in his voice. “That one is not for me to tell Adom. You must go speak to George the All Knowing, and he will tell you all you need to know. But for now, lets talk about Shi’hera’s Dragon” (looking at Shi’hera with a little smile and nodding his head as if to ask Shi’hera to continue here Dragon story).

Adom interrupted again, “Like I said Shi’hera, no one can own a pet Dragon because they don’t like to be pets. They do not trust humans.” “Well they will trust me” Shi’hera said in a low, sad voice. Then she popped up with excitement:


Ziare stared into the fire like he did not hear what Shi’hera said. He should have known this would come up some day; besides, he’s a man who actually saw a real Dragon!

“Ziare, please tell us the story.” Just then a hand holding a cup reached in front of Ziare’s face. Ziare looked up to see George-the All Knowing standing before him holding a cup of apple cider. “So are you going to tell of Odmar?” George said.

George was a tall elder about 90 years old or so. He owned the camp book store; if you enter his book store you could not leave until George picked out a book for you. This means “NO ONE” may leave without a book. Of course the books were free and somehow George the All Knowing knew exactly what book was for you.

Soon as the kids saw George they knew they were going to get the story because George was the leader and elder of Laguna Forest Camp. So everyone sat up strait and their eyes got big as golf balls and they awaited for Zaire to open his mouth.

Copyright © 2009 Keepers of the 2012 World: (The Dragon Schlytha Trials) . All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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