Chapter Six: The New Girl

“There is still a place for the religious”


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Chapter 6

After Ziare finished the first half of his story, the kids spent a good 10 minutes trying to get him to finish the Schlytha Trials story. Though camp Laguna had dorms and the children had their own rooms, they rarely slept in them because they preferred to sleep outside around the fire. They also love the company of one another. They would lay in their cozy sleeping bags on their backs and look up at the stars, counting them, admiring them, speaking to them. Most of all they loved talking to one another and chatting, mainly about their parents. Though all the children had both parents, the parents did not live on the grounds with them. The adults lived over the mountain 52,800 foot steps away (approximately 10 miles).

All the children were laying on their back in silence, the fire was still nicely lit, the wood gently crackling, the embers burning a gentle, calming glowing red. Adom then spoke: “I wonder if my mom and dad are looking at the star right now.” A child by the name of Cyla responded, “Of course they are, they can feel you whenever you are looking at the star.” “Yes, you’re right Cyla. But they are so far away, it’s strange to be able to communicate with them just through a star billions of miles in the sky.” “Yes, but it is quite able Adom” said Cyla. “My father speaks to me all the time. Right now he is saying he loves me and he is watching over my mother. His smile is so big, I love his smile” Cyla softly said with a blush and a smile.
Another child by the name of Addact spoke: “My dad is so busy, but I can see him looking right at me and I love that about him because even with his busy schedule he would stop and twinkle his eye at me.”

“How com you too neva tawk abbout your parents?” said Shi’hera. “We talk about our parents; we are sharing them with you right now” Addact responded. “I mean, who are your parents?” Shi‘hera questioned, “What is the past-life relation?” Just then Ziare interrupted: “Addact and Cyla will tell you what they wish, when they wish.” Ziare seemed to pop out of the darkness somehow. The children were sure he went back to his dorm. He walked over to Shi’hera, kneeled down and stroked her head: “All of you are still trying to figure out your purpose for being here at this camp. But in time all will be revealed. In fact, another child is arriving tomorrow.”

“Ohhh wow, nice” all the kids felt excited about the news. “What is his name, or her name?” Tizzy said. “You should know that shouldn’t you Tizzy?” Ziare said. “Well sometimes it’s kinda fun to use normal 3%” Tizzy responded. “Well, HER name is Sarah” Ziare said. “Where is she from prophet Ziare.” “Sarah comes form Utah” Ziare replied.

Ziare stood up and draped his cape around his shoulder and started to walk into the darkness. “It’s the 14th hour and you ducklings should be getting rest for the welcoming of the new student“ Ziare said. “And remember some of you are going on the hike tomorrow.”

“Good night prophet Ziare” the kids said. “Sleep well prawphet Ziare” Shi’hera yelled as Ziare disappeared into the forest heading back to his dorm. “And don’t worry, the beast is really nice!” Shi’hera yelled out one last time. You could see Ziare’s glowing eyes turn back as if to say, “What did she mean by that?”

The kids went to sleep, Cyla whispered, “Good night father, good night mother,” looking up to the stars one last time before turning over to sleep. “I love you dad, take care and I hope your heart does not pain too much over today’s world” Addact whispered as he rolled over to go to sleep. He did not see, but the North Star flared a deep purple then turned back to bright white. Tizzy saw the purple glow and wowed under her breath. The children were taught to use the North Star to speak with their parents. Later on we will learn just how. But for now, we will let the crickets, coyotes and night life say goodnight.

Daybreak came, it shined through the trees, casting a bright silver, yellow ray upon the whole valley. The camp fire ware barely smoldering, smelling the whole camp up with cedar. The children were still asleep like little lambs. Then a sound woke Shi’hera up from her sleep. She got up slowly and adjusted her ear to hear the sound more clearly. It sounded like a engine, a rather big engine. “Like the engine of a bus” Shi’hera thought to herself.

“She’s herah guys, she’s herah!” Shi’hera yelled out with excitement. She quickly got out of her sleeping bag and stumbled trying to get out. By now, all the children were moving like exhausted puppies. “Shi’hera!” Addact said with aggravation. “Why…” he continued. Shi’hera ran over to Addact and tried to pull him out of his sleeping bag: “The new geyl is herah, don’t you wish to meet ha.” “What time is it Shi’hera?” Cyla said rubbing her tired eyes. “Well tha son is ohp, that is good enough” Shi’hera said.

Just then a huge passenger bus came up the hill and turned into the parking lot. Whenever a new child or member arrived to the camp, they were brought in elegance: A fine two story passenger bus loaded with snacks and entertainment, a television that only played dvd’s. The camp did not believe in cable television. Netflix and home videos was it.

The bus came to a stop and that excited Shi’hera even more. “Come on guys!” she said as she started running to the bus. She wanted to get there before the doors opened; so did the other kids so they hurried out of their sleeping bags and hurried to catch up with Shi’hera. “Coming guys” Tizzy said and Cyla quickly helped Tizzy shake off here bag.

The bus engine turned off, a big gust of air came out of from the breaks. Standing along side of the bus were camp leaders: Ziare, Mitchka, Sodonna, and the elder George stood there looking as proud and excited as the kids. George then said, “We should be hearing them about now” (grinning to himself).

Just then the kids came running over the small hill. The first thing you saw was Shi’hera’s golden hair, then her little face. Tizzy and Cyla came next, then Adom and a few steps behind was patiently walking. Addact never smiled, even when new kids arrived, he never smiled. He is very much like Ziare, but even Ziare cannot help to crack a joke once and awhile. Addact was for sure a deep thinking child. Perhaps his history and relations are a bit much for him.

“Well hello kids” Sodonna said with cheer. Sodonna was a beautiful woman 57 ages. She had sky black hair that draped at least 2 feet past her shoulders (when she lets it down that is). Rarely did anyone see Sodanna with her hair down. But there are ways to get her to let her magical hair down. The kids loved Sodanna because she always smelled like wild flowers and herbs. She had emerald green eyes that could mesmerize any wild coyote or creature for that fact.

Sodonna opened her arms and all the kids flowed to her love. “Hello Addact” Sodonna said as she rubbed his head and brought him into the group of hugs. The kids then flowed to George: “Oh look at all the ducklings ha-ha” with a proud look upon his face. Shi’hera was the first to run over to Ziare while the other kids ran over to Mitchka, a 35 year old woman from Russia. Mitchka was the first child to arrive at camp Laguna in 2001.

The kids all awaited for the bus doors to open, they could not wait to see who the child was. Every child at camp Laguna had superior abilities to see auras so this was rather a big deal for the kids. Every child who ever came off of the sleek bus radiated with self definitive auras; except Addact: he was the only child who did not have an aura the kids could read.

Finally the door opened! Soon as the doors opened, a little girl about the age of 10 was standing with excitement. The girl ran out before the kids could get to her. She completely dropped her bags and ran out of the bus to meet the 5 kids. The kids started screaming with excitement, while Addact patiently looked the girl over. Cyla kind of did the same, but she did smile at the girl, knowing if the girl was here at the camp, she must have purpose.

The kids were screaming, all clumped together giving hugs, spreading love. The sound brought birds from all over the camp site. Many birds started flying overhead, landing on the bus along the edges, on the hood. The kids were too busy to notice but the adults sure did. George noticed first, then looked over to Sodonna who was already smirking. Mitchka looked over to Ziare who was looking at the children in which he looked like he was somewhat smiling in secret.

“Okay kids, lets let the new-comer out of the mob so I can introduce her to you” George intervened. The mob slowly backed off and finally became quiet. George introduced: “Well kids, I would like for you to meet Sarah, our newest relative from Utah.” “Hi Sarah, nice to meet you” the kids said. Addact stepped forth and stuck his hand out to shake Sarah’s hand but instead of shaking his hand, she hugged him like a Grizzly Bear. Addact blushed! Cyla saw his blushed and smiled at him with her head tilted sideways as if to be proud of him. It was also a look of love.

Sarah was a pretty little girl: light brown hair, light brownish eyes that almost looked yellow. She was dressed in a denim skirt and a cute button shirt that made her look like one of the cast form Little House on the Prairie. She had cute little freckles and superb mannerism.

“Well I’m sure Sarah would like to get some sleep, she’s had a very long journey” George said. “Aaaawwwww” the kids reacted. “Don’t worry kids, you will see her tonight at the fire gathering” George reassured them. Mitchka can you take little Sarah to her room?” George said. “Sure, I would be glad to.” Mitchka then grabbed Sarah’s bags off of the bus. “See ya Sarah” the kids all yelled. Sarah turned around, “Bye!!! See you tonight!!!”

The kids turned to one another and began talking about Sarah and then another face popped into the doorway! Tizzy was the first to see the kid: “Hey Cerafeen!” Cyla turned to Tizzy, “What did you say Tizzy?” “Look another kid!” Tizzy said. Just then the rest of the kids saw the boy standing in the door next to the bus driver. He was a boy about age 8 or 9, red hair and freckles. He was a cute little boy but not nearly as energetic as Sarah. In fact he was not smiling at all.

“He is just a little shy kids” George said. George then reached out his hand to the boy: “Come on Cerafeen it’s alright.” The boy immediately came down the stairs and hugged George. The kids stood there in curiosity; Cerafeen was a bit different but how?

George then began to explain: “This my children is Cerafeen.” “Told ya!” Tizzy said to the kids. “Cerafeen is autistic; he does not talk (well at least he does not want to)” looking down at the boy. George looked up: “Ziare?” “I will show him to his room” Ziare quickly responded. “Come little one, you are home now” Ziare said putting his arm around the child. Cerafeen went right along with him with no trouble. He seemed to connect with Ziare.

“Welp kids, that’s’ it for today!” George said to the kids. Meanwhile Shi’hera was inside the bus looking for more kids. “Sure there are no more?” Shi’hera said with a cute curious voice. “Nope, that is it” George said. “Now everyone get ready for doing your chores, we have a hike today.”

Copyright © 2009 Keepers of the 2012 World: (The Dragon Schlytha Trials) . All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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