Chapter Four: The Story of Odmar the Dragon Elder

“Not all humans are thoughtless killers. I saw a little girl in her room once, she looked harmless”


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Chapter 4

“I hope I’m ready for this Firoth.” “Hm, hmm, I’m sure you are ready Elder Odmar; you love human children…” “I know Firoth, I always get nervous this time of century.” “Oh yes, every one hundred years, the Schlytha Trials.”

What you are hearing is the conversation between two Dragons. Yes, Dragons; oh yes they did exist (a if you stay tuned long enough to this story, you might see they exist even in your realm of the 21st century:

Odmar the Dragon Elder spoke to his apprentice Firoth with concern: “Sure, humans have evolved, that is simple for the Earth controls that. But what about the advancement? Are they still killing themselves and everything around them?” His apprentice answered: “In some parts of the land, yes, but this centuries chosen are very hopeful; they are delightful children” Firoth concluded. “Hmm, then this Schlytha Trials should be a grand one with much satisfaction” Elder Odmar said calmly. “I hope the den is to their satisfaction, I’m sure there is enough gold, crystals and treasure for their satisfaction as always” Odmar said. “Hmmm, they could never let go of that humanly greed; shame” Odmar said looking down to the ground as if to be saddened.

The Dragon’s Den was a sight that your average human could not endure with first dimensional eyes: It was deep under ground, who knows how far, how deep. It is highly sacred, and highly secret in which no one must know where it is located ESPECIALLY HUMANS. “Even as the story teller I am sworn not to tell the location.” But the den was beautiful indeed: ceilings that were hundreds of feet high, and disappeared into nothingness. Humans are told not to look up unless they are brave because if you are not careful you will feel like you are falling; even though you are looking up! But the main attraction of this den, cave was the gold! Gold lined every wall, diamonds and crystals were in abundance like a common rock in your average earthly cave.

Dragons loved precious stones such as diamonds, crystals, ruby’s you name it. They love them because inside of them they have the ability to view the world they come from. Oh no, by any means Dragons are not from Earth, they are from the 5th dimension, a dimension that takes more than two eyes and emotion to see. But every 100 years the Dragons hold trials by the name of Schlytha. These trials are not like they sound; they are not harsh.

The Schlytha trial is simply a dinner with humans. Worry not, humans are not on the menu. Dragon’s do not eat meat, nor veggies either. They eat ore, iron ore. They can eat up to 4500 gallons of ore a day! That’s half of the water in a swimming pool! But they have plenty of it because there are many fire waterfalls (or should I say ore falls), there are dozens of these molted lava buffets for all the dragons to endure.

But every 100 years Elder Odmar invites 3 chosen children to the den for a simple dinner. Odmar believes that much can be learned about a man simply by inviting him to dinner.

The 3 children are not average human children. They are special, chosen by stars personally. But 3 Dragons are assigned to these children, they watch over these chosen from birth to manhood.

“THE HUMANS ARE HERE! MOCH HA GRRRRROMBLY SEEKA” Firoth spoke with excitement, he even spoke in the sacred Dragon language.

Copyright © 2009 Keepers of the 2012 World: (The Dragon Schlytha Trials) . All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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