Chapter Eight: The Campfire Discussion

“Why does Father let human’s get away with such evil? If it were not for my beautiful life I have now, I would assume there was no Heavenly God”


1998 AD

Chapter 8

Ziare was an earth-tone man who was brother to the Christ (in his past life). His eyes were white, all white; no brown, blue, nor green pupils. He received these eyes when he was struck by lightening in the year 1999. Many say he acquired more than that on that magical night. Ziare’s hair is white as snow, not one black hair on his head. This confuses many people because he is but 48 years old yet has a hair full of white hair, including his beard.

Tonight was another Campfire of Discussion night. This is usually done when a new child arrives to the camp. It’s good for letting the kids learn a bit about one another.

All the kids gathered at the fire pit, Ziare was already waiting for the children, sitting on his favorite story-telling log. Shi’hera ran in a hurry to sit next to Ziare, she looked up at him with a cute little grin. Though it was cute, Ziare knew what that little cheeky face meant: Shi’hera was going to want Ziare to finish his story about the Schlytha Dragon Trials.

“Aaaah, I know what you want…” Ziare said to Shi’hera. “Pleaaase prophet Ziare?” Shi’hera said with her most innocent, lambish voice. “We shall see, it all depends on time. You know we have two new guests tonight” Ziare stated.

“Well I still would like a pet Dragon” Shi’hera said with sadness in her voice. Adom was about to speak then Shi’hera interrupted him: “I know Adom; Dragon’s don’t like being pets.”

The two new comers of the camp were not present yet so Ziare continued his lesson’s on Dragons and humans: “Average humans are at the bottom of the Heavenly Ladder. Such humans like “Evil humans” and “Little humans and such.” Shi’hera spoke out: “What are Little Humans? I know what evil humans are.”

Ziare explained: “Evil humans are people such as murderers etc. “Little humans are those who intentionally try to hurt one’s feelings or do drastic things. They are jealous and vengeful types.” Just then Adom continued the sentence, “Like the Ancient westernized god.” The children all looked at Adom as if to say “What do you mean?” He continued: “You know, the ancient Bible said that god was jealous and vengeful. He said thou shall not worship any other god because he is a jealous god.”

“Wow,” all the kids reacted in shock; except Cyla and Addact. “But that is impossible” Cyla said. Addact continued: “God is love, man is the one whom is jealous!” “Gosh I’m so glad that ancient religion is done with” Addact concluded his point. “But there is still one religion” Tizzy said.

Before the kids could react to Tizzy’s comment Ziare quickly said: “I cannot stand those whom are Evil and Little humans for they do not value life! They see a Fly or Ant and their first thought is: We are above them so lets kill them!”

Just then Sarah and Cerafeen arrived at the camp fire accompanied by Mitchka. “Hi guys” the kids said. “So watcha talking about” Sarah said. Shi’hera quickly answered, “We are talking about ancient religion and jealous god’s”.

Sarah took a seat and joined in the conversation: “Oh yes, those pagan god’s are pure evil.” “Pagan god’s Sarah?” Cyla said with some concern in her voice. “Yes: Mooslim, Hindu, witchcraft, Budda, Jamaican and all those against God.”

“What is that suppose to mean Sarah” Cyla said. “Mormons are the divine chosen messengers of our savior Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for our sins and we must serve him in order to reach the gates of Heaven” Sarah said with a positive voice. “What is a Mormon” Shi’hera questioned. Ziare and Mitchka looked at one another then looked strait at Addact and Cyla. “I’m a Mormon, LDS, Church of the Latter Day Saints” Sarah explained. “So what part of the ladder is your kind?” Shi’hera questioned. “No, I said Latter” Sarah said with a chuckle. She continued: “Mormonism is the last of the Ancient Religions.” “That is because we were chosen by God.” You could see Addact’s eyes turn a marble black in anger! Cyla put her hand on his arm to calm him.

“AS I was saying children” Ziare interrupted. “So what is the ladder you all were talking about” Sarah said. Adom explained: “The ladder of humans: Evil humans, Little humans”. Sarah looked at Adom like he was lost. Adom added: “Evil humans care for nothing, they are killers. Little humans think they are better than everyone else.”

After Adom said that, everyone looked at Sarah, even the new child Cerafeen. “Well sometimes God has to do things even if it means murder. That is his way keeping things under control” Sarah explained. “How do you know God is a man” Cyla said. “God created Adam in HIS own image. Adam created a woman with his own rib.“ Just then all the kids started laughing at Sarah, even Cerafeen had a slight smirk on his face. But Sarah did not like that. She frowned as if to ask the kids why they are laughing.

“You all are just uninformed Sarah said.” “Jesus Christ is our lord and savior and he will return to bring wrath and destruction on all who do not follow him.” The kids continued to laugh, but Cyla did not find the whole situation funny at all.

Sarah was a Mormon, from the church of the LDS. She came directly from one of the reservations and was probably the most humanlike of all the children. She did not seem to have a clue about the type of children she was around. This is somewhat normal amongst new kids.

The Mormon religion was the only westernized religion that stood after the condemning of religion 4 years ago. Though Mormonism was still alive and well, the religion along with it’s churches existed only on the reservations.

After Ziare made his comment about humans everyone looked at Sarah as if to shame her. “So what did I do to deserve this coldness” Sarah said. “Is it because of my parents owning Coca Cola and Pepsi?” She said in a high voice. “They owned the company, not me!” Shi’hera then spoke: “Caffeine and glucose corn syrup is bad for you. Diet Pepsi and diet coke have bad stuff in it for killing rats!”

Shi’hera then said in a sad voice, “I wont a pet Dragon.” Ziare continued: “One can only have a pet that wishes to be the pet of that person. Like dogs for example: everyone has a dog because dogs love being pets. That’s why we always advise for you kid’s to start off with dogs. Our one year lifespan is equivalent to seven in dog years. So if you leave your dog at home alone for just 2 hours it is more like 14 hours to a dog. That would mean you have been gone away for half a day.”

Shi’hera said with a giggle: “That explains the over-happy tail wagging, welcoming committee you get when arriving back home!”

“Now if you were Cyla” Ziare said: “Most animals would love to be her pet, even some insects. Her spirit and soul seem to be extra radiant; all creatures love her.” “I definitely could not have as many pets as you my child” Ziare said with a smile on his face.

“No one will ever have a Dragon as a pet” exclaimed Adom. But Ziare quickly interrupted: “Remember there was one…”

“Oh, are you going to finish the story Ziare!!!” the kids got excited. To the right Ziare noticed Mitchka comforting Sarah, she had tears running down her face.” Mitchka said she will take Sarah back to her room.

Copyright © 2009 Keepers of the 2012 World: (The Dragon Schlytha Trials) . All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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