An intelligent, quiet woman with poor health became another victim of the juvenile system.

Elena raised her children alone (she was divorced) giving them traditional values. She is an Orthodox Christian, she did not allow mindless watching of TV, she strictly limited the content, the boys had push-button phones. So the mother did her best to protect her kids from bad influence of social nets and Internet.

But the school demanded that children had to use internet and smartphones.
Because it's a part of modern education and digitalization!

At first kids took smartphones as a way to make home task, in some days they were already playing games. Mom was at work till the evening, and it's almost impossible to control teenagers with Internet when they are alone at home.

First the older boy became addicted to gambling, then the younger one. Timofey and Fedor developed a gaming addiction to computer games.

The father did not interfere with their games, and the mother could not cope with two teenagers alone.

The father decided to send the children to the Moscow shelter; he himself wrote an application to place the children there. They were happy to get new kids (we all know why) and they even didn't pay attention at mother's protests.

The shelter workers and guardians don’t care about the mother.
Moreover, they have filed a lawsuit to limit Elena’s parental rights.
Moreover, they simply don't allow the mother to visit kids and to be with them without control!

A few days ago an absolutely outrageous incident occurred.

Both children (11 and 15 years old) were vaccinated not only without their parents’ permission, but they were not even informed about it!

This is a gross violation of the law!
Elena has social family protectors, so an appeal to the Prosecutor's Office will be written in some days, and if they do not receive an adequate response, they will go to court.

The court hearing in the case of restriction of rights will take place on July 25.

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