The story and shots of a family that is running away from Sweden to save their kids have become hot in my country very fast.
It's not the first story about Scandinavian CPS who are considered to be the most cruel one in the world. Their argumentsa are rules are totaloutrage because kids can't be taken away from parents for anything they want. They always find reasons to protect their actions, and even courts can do nothing with them. It's a united system that works as one organism for many years.

Elina Zhgutova, one of the most famous right protectors in Russia, who always defends families and kids from CPS, says that many foreign families (emigrants) ask her for help being in Scandinavian countries, but there there are almost no chances to save kids.

Running away is the only way out for parents who notice CPS attention to their family.

So this case and parents decision is considered to be the best one for this family, as Elina says.

A Russian woman drove her car across the border from Poland to Belarus out of fear that her children would be taken away from her. The woman managed to reach the Belarusian border guards while her husband distracted the Polish border guards.

Previously, the family lived in Sweden. One child had a Russian passport, and the other two children had Swedish ones. The country's authorities tried to take kids children from their parents and temporarily place them in a foster family.
By court decision they were able to defend themselves, but after this incident the couple decided to return to Russia.

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