Juvenile justice innovations penetrate into our life slowly but very confidently.

Early in my posts I've analyzed situations and stories from Russian reality, all of them happened in different Russian cities, but not in the Crimea, where I live in

But now sad news has come from Sevastopol, the Crimean city! 

The tragedy of the situation is in the fact that the Crimea, as you know maybe, have become a part of Russia just some years ago, and many changes and laws of it still don't work here, but this news shows that the cruel juvenile trap is ready to work in my little Motherland as well... 

The local education department issued an order to set up patrols to identify families in difficult life situations.

Police, CPS, school pcychologists are't enough for this juvenile army, so one more department of overseeing was created!

The group of supervisors, reinforced by the school administration and policemen, gets the authority to raid the school territories, places of "mass leisure of minors" in the adjacent territories, and (attention!) "to visit pupils at their homes every two weeks at the time after 8 pm! "

Inviolability and protection of privacy life? Just an illusion!

Patrols from parents-volunteers are created in all local schools, and 50% of schools have already  activated such organisations! They have been working for some months already!

They declare wise and innocent functions like: "preventing offenses", "preventing neglect and homelessness of minors", searching for children "who are in a socially dangerous situation" and "identifying families in which parents improperly engage in the upbringing and maintenance of their children".

But whether these nice words can hide the real essence of  ruthless overseeing and denunciation?

So who are these volunteers who work for juvenile system? You can't believe it but it's just normal, caring and honest parents who have just been caught in a juvenile trip!

The trick is that in January, 2018 the society was in shock after some loud cases of stabbing in Russian schools. These cases were used as background and arguments for parents to enter juvenile patrols for creating full control over kids and parents. A great psychological trick!

Regular patrols are backgrounds for monthly reports to police, CPS and all local departments of education. And this information is enough to follow and put the family on the register of CPS for further investigations!

Here are the official documents about the creating of such patrols:

This is the official order that has started this outrage:

A member of the parental patrol is endowed with endless powers to educate other people's children! He can come to their home almost at any time, give recommendations, advices and even requires to do or not to do something. 

We must admit: members of the patrol are just ordinary people, just parenets who have no psychological education or any other specific knowledges! So it proves the main function is just  total overseeing, they have eyes, it's enough!

According to the statistics, about 90% of cases with taking kids away from parents are connected with  "lack of parental care", "neglect" (note!!! even if a kid just is walking in the yard near the house without parents - it's neglecting).

So the conclusion is evident:

 The juvenile system has received a new tool for controlling the family and destroying it...

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